I have to admit to being very in-experienced at the use of R1's.
However, the shortage of quality lefty RP's keeps me gazing at Scott Eyre. $4.64 mil is a lot of Dablooms to spend however, and I'm wonderring how many innings I might be able to coax out of him?
My thinking would be to team him in a bullpen consisting of:
R1/C6 closer;
R2 reliever ($2.00-$3.00 mil range);
R2 mop-up guy (sub $1 mil).
Settings would be:
a) R1/C6 @ "slow hook", "closer both ways", "do not enter before 8th";
b) Eyre @ "slow hook", "set-up both ways", "do not enter before 6th" (or 7th?)
Any ideas or suggestions on this would be appreciated.