14-28 start Now what do I do?

14-28 start Now what do I do?

Postby STEVENMCNAMEE » Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:58 am

Here is my team. Any quick thoughts as to why I am doing so bad?


Any help would be good at this time. I am ready to blow up team, but am not sure what direction to go in. Help!!!!
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Postby Jerlins » Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:45 am

Well, at quick glance, you don't have a lot of pop in your lineup, and it's not going to get much better when your biggest threat (Edmonds) goes down for a few games. Another problem, again by just a quick glance, is that your league is ball park right hand slanted which isn't helping you either.

I've mentioned this in another thread, but I'm finding it in most leagues I've been in, and that is the difficulty most teams seem to be having when spending over $30 on a pitching staff. Granted it's only a 1/4 of the way through the season, but you're getting the same production out of Maddux as you are with Pedro. By the end of the year, Pedro will outperform Maddux, but by the amount he does, was it worth the amount spent on him at the expense of one less hitter (ie Konerko, Teixera, Helton vs Overbay, or perhaps a Giles, Abreu, Jenkins vs your RF platoon)?

If you're going to blow it up, I'd get a RH with pop and trade off some of your pitching. Personally, I'd play it out and hope for the best. You were confident that this team was competitive preseason, I'm sure you did your homework and studied your opponents, so keep the faith. I've played in a few leagues with you and you're a smart GM.

Good luck to you, the dice will begin to roll your way soon!
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:20 am

Ditto on all that Jerlins said.
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Postby STEVENMCNAMEE » Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:20 pm

Jerlins, thanks for the smart GM comment. I looked for better power and their was just not much there. I thought that I would get more out of Pedro and now after a good start by Peavy he is having problems. The other starters are not winning either.

I thought that Wright would supply some of the power that my team is lacking. I have goten almost zero out of him. Has anyone seen him do well? I end up taking Overbay because I like to have at least 2 hitters form the left side versus Left handed pichers.

I think that I will offer up Martinez and see if there is anyone out there who would like him.

Any comments would be appreciated.

[b:82eedeb667]PS has everyone found the 2006 season a lot harder to play?[/b:82eedeb667]
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Postby Rant » Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:29 pm

Wright's 2L + Jacobs are going to drag his #s down some for you. I'd guess you'd max out at 30 HRs.

Trop: .308 / .386 / .527 (30 HR)
Kauffman: .288 / .372 / .481 (28 HR)

I do think the pendulum will swing back in your favor as the season progresses, but I'd look to upgrade the Taveras/Niekro platoon and/or your outfield.

I've found 2006 harder to play in pitcher's parks.
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Postby DavidRis » Mon Aug 14, 2006 10:27 pm

Peavy will straighten out. I've had him twice so far and he's always hit a rough patch but always comes through. The last team I had him on, he started 3-6 but finished 21-8 and was great in the playoffs. Stick with him!
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:01 pm

I have had mixed luck in '06.

My Busch teams are mediocre at best, I do have a team right now that is doing well there.

I was getting frustrated so I decided to try a different slant.
I tried Coors teams and built for power. I wasn't that excited about it at first, but I was successful.
So far every Coors team (4 finished) made the Playoffs, and 3 others that are within 3 games of 1st and leading wild card. 1 coors team that is a lost cause.

So as of now, 7 of 8 should make playoffs. Each team was a bit different.

The reason I say this: 1----Confidence. 2. You get to learn about new players and different stategy.

Of Course, the 4 that made Playoffs all lost in first round, but they made it.

After I went on my Coors run, I have tried another Busch team (59-49) and 1 game out, and a Angels Stadium 100m team. That team is (50-37) and leads the division by 4 games.

I found different ways of thinking using the Coors teams and tried players I normally wouldn't use. This helped alot when choosing the last 2 teams and I find myself to be a bit more successful.

Just an idea---kind of shook things up for me.
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