by geekor » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:25 pm
We did an Alphabet theme before, but of a different sort. Basically, everyone signed up in a spot, 1-12, and picked a letter of the alphabet and a lotto number. The place you sign up in is your place. Whoever won the lotto number, got his letter to start the draft in the 1st spot.
the draft went as follows, you go through the Alphabet in order, if I start with D, the next person has to draft an E, the next a F, etc, etc.
If you alreadt drafted a letter, and the same letter came back to you, you could pass to the next letter, but only1 skip (i.e if I already drafted an A, B and C, and A came back to me, I could skip A to B, but not to C). Everyone also got 2 free passes, to use anytime to skip the current letter they land on. You can use a Letter pass and a Free pass in the same turn (above example, I could use letter pass on B and free pass on C to get to D).
After the draft, you can add and pickup free agents, but only those with the same letter, (I could drop Berkman for Bagwell for example). You CANNOT drop a A for a M then a M for an A, it has to be a stright up drop/pickup.
Anyone game for that?