by geekor » Tue Aug 29, 2006 2:53 pm
[quote:e7ff77581a]The cap value penalty only comes into play AFTER the draft and waivers have been completed. Therefore, it's definitely best to apply every cent of your 80 mil to drafting players.[/quote:e7ff77581a]
No, the 20% hits after THE FIRST GAME HAS PLAYED.
It other words, even though your lineups, etc have to be set by 10 EST the Mon the season starts, the games dont run till 12:15 at the earliest, and you could still make changes in the between time with no penalty.
When selecting your draft list, it's best to use as much as you can, you will inevitibly end up with some cap space after 2 ways. 1) You can drop down to 24 players as soon as your team is drafted, before wiavers. Which means some high priced replacement player you get, that you dont like, can be dropped and cap space freed up. 2) Any player you dont get, you get the next closest player who A) plays the same primary position (first position listed on their card), B) Isn't on anyone elses draft list and C) Closest in salary or under. So if you draft Arod, and miss him, you will prbably get Wright in replacement, which will put 6 mil in your cap for waivers. It would be very unlikely you get all the players you try for, so you will inevitbily end up with at least a few mil to spend during waivers.