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Strat-O-Matic Baseball 2006 New League Needs 11

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 6:53 pm
by AggieSPMT05
[color=darkred:47cc4e4348][b:47cc4e4348]League Name:[/b:47cc4e4348] MLSimB

[b:47cc4e4348]Salary Cap:[/b:47cc4e4348] $80,000,000

[b:47cc4e4348]No DH[/b:47cc4e4348]

[b:47cc4e4348]Waivers:[/b:47cc4e4348] Yes, Weighted

*Would like realistic team names but, not a must.[/color:47cc4e4348]

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:50 pm
by AggieSPMT05
[color=darkred:af578f654b]Just curious, what are the chances of getting a league started this late in the year? Thanks & Gig 'Em.[/color:af578f654b]

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:08 pm
by worrierking
I recommend joining an autoleague unless you are dead set against using the DH.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 2:54 pm
I would have to agree with WorrierKing. With Football season coming up this weekend and the '06 fervor wearing off, and the introduction of the ATGIII league, you probably won't get many guys biting at a Non-DH league right now. There only seems to be auto-leagues and the deeply entrenched owners in the theme leagues. Three months ago, you could fill up your no-DH league in a day.

With all that said, give it a shot and see who bites. If after a few days, it doesn't fill, the Autoleagues have a certain fun "unknown" factor about them. :D

Good luck.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:10 pm
by AggieSPMT05
[color=darkred:a41a378cc0]Thanks for the info guys. I decided to join another no DH league with 3 teams already in it. Hopefully, we can get 8 more. If not, I'll try an Autoleague. Thanks again. In case anyone wants to join the no DH league, it is called "First Timers".


Skill Level: Standard
Salary Cap: $80,000,000
DH rule: no (pitchers bat 9th)
Waivers: yes (standard)

FA Drop Penalty: 20% (standard) [/color:a41a378cc0]