by Terry101 » Mon Sep 11, 2006 4:20 pm
First of all, it is very difficult to play .500 ball (IMO) Who do you think we are playing against? [i:ea55012374]Everyone[/i:ea55012374] can't play over .500 ball. I think the managers are, for the most part, very good.
The player pricing is just about right on. In 05, when I valued a player more or less than the price would warrant, I would tend to think I was right. Now when that happens, I tend to think the pricing is right, not me. And, I don't think there is only one way to be successful. You have to adjust. The ballpark factor can be overrated; sometimes people go to far to fit their park. Sometimes they worry[i:ea55012374] too[/i:ea55012374] much about their divisional opponents. For example, you may be adjusting for an opponent who can not contend.
This is why this game is so intriging. The best, the very best you can do will not exceed about .560 or so- long term- if that. I think playing .500 is hard. Right now there are so many really good players that could give better advice but one thing I think is important is to really analyze the teams that are below .500 and see what are the reasons, if any. (Sometimes it is just probability). For instance, if you are scoring more runs than you are allowing and still playing below .500. it may be the configuration of your team. High power hitters with low on base tend to score 10 runs then 1 run. High on base tend to be more consistent- not better but more consistent. Also, you may be winning 20-1 and losing lots of one run games. So your team could be better than the record shows. Or worse.
Maybe playing .500 or below isn't a lot of fun, but the fun might be trying to correct your mistakes and keep experimenting and if you do have a 95-100 win team, look at it closely. Why did they win that many? Luck. I doubt it. Play theme leagues, play keeper, keep working to better your craft.
Anyway, here is to the 100 win championship season. May we achieve it- at least once in a while.