Come Read about a RAT in the tour event

Come Read about a RAT in the tour event

Postby Woody5 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:13 pm

This is for those of you who might not be in the have to read this and watch out for this guy in your leagues!
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Postby Stoney18 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:47 pm

Sad to see something like that happen.
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Postby The Turtle » Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:28 am

not entirely his fault, although he should not have dropped his team. however I can see his frustration...i posted a long message explaining my thoughts on the matter in the other thread
The Turtle
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Postby durantjerry » Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:03 am

Calling the guy a RAT is a little overboard IMO, afterall, he didn't cheat or do anything against the rules. To call someone a RAT implies he or she is knowingly cheating. He definitely over reacted to an extreme, similar you did in calling him a RAT. The Turtle's post was right on the money.
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Postby rgimbel » Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:50 am

not sure how it ended up being resolved but I would think that if someone had a nl player for 1/2 the season he should have to drop an american league player of equal value along with the nl player if that didnt happen I could see how someone could get upset and I agree a rat is a cheater not someone who acts like a child
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Postby LARRYLANG » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:03 am

Wow!! Unfortunate situation......I am not on the tour but have played with a bunch of you guys, Crimton being one......He is a stand up guy who it appears made a legit mistake.....although I can see the other owner being frustated, I think dropping all his players and getting cheapo's to screw the league up is SORRY....I play mostly theme leagues with all kinds of wild rules.....I always check EVERY roster before the league starts to make sure everyone is within the rules...And a few times have found errors...(Even on my own team)......If you are playing a league with a special set of rules every own should pay attention to all rosters pre-season and then follow transactions throughout the year.....Like I said I have found a few errors and EVERY time a polite message to the offending owner has done the trick....I don't buy the argument that Crmton did this on purpose, if you read his post he states he usually has around 10 teams running and goes on auto pilot ince the league starts...I think that is the case with most of the guys here that play multiple teams......I guess there will be some that say, I have to many teams running to worry about someone elses roster, but if you are playing with special rules you should make it a point to do just that and this will not happen. As for saying the guy is a RAT....No, I think he is just pissed and his way of showing it was a childish way of screwing up the league......IMO he is just as guilty because after all he missed it for 81 games also....Hope things work out for you guys and this gets straightened out. :D
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Postby visick » Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:23 am

RAT is a little harsh, don't ya think?

I responded to this in the other thread... :wink:
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:18 am

This all cracks me up!!! :D :D :D
I've played against CMinton before and he is a solid upstanding guy. I guarantee everyone that it didn't dawn on him that Lopez was illegal.
Regardless, if it was intentional or not, the reaction to this was hilarious. Teepak, being a true professional in these leagues did the right thing and things should have been great!!
But no, apparently it was a "life or death" issue for someone!! This was the equivalence to cyber "road rage"!! The reaction to such a ridiculously mundane error is priceless. :D :D :D

I also find it funny that the other 11 teams took have the season to realize they were pitching to a guy with a Scarlet "N" on his uniform!

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Postby ANDREWLAITURI » Thu Sep 14, 2006 10:50 am

My personal feelings about this is that there is alot of blame to go around here and I find the whole situation to be sad. That this topic was brought to the main forum is also totally inappropriate IMHO.

This should have remained in the Tour thread and resolved there and not brought to the main forum in an attempt to blackball and besmirch the character of the player that obviously made an egregious error in judgement when he overreacted to another player's negligent but blantant rules violation by dropping his whole roster.
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I am in total agreement with Fatty...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:01 pm

About the Turtle's suggestion of being right on the money. Everyone makes honest mistakes and occasionally in the heat of competition, a player may overreact.

If Gstanis acts swiftly, reclaims his players and both players accept the penalties, the league can balance itself and some face can be saved.

There are a lot of good points here and I also agree with Tyber that it should have been taken care of by the members of that league and the Tour.

But now that it has gone public, I think it might ba a subject better off cleaned up immediately and let time heal the wounds and allow everyone their mistakes and maintain their reputations.

If anyone chooses to play against certain players or not in the future, that is their own personal choice. But nobody needs to be publicly flogged here.

The honest mistake made by cm and the kneejerk reaction by gst can be dealt with by doing the right thing now and acting ASAP - as AP stated.

Hopefully, all this can be worked out today and we won't still be reacting to this for the next several weeks. I would hate to see this get blown up any bigger than it already has and have people taking sides and creating a lot of disharmony in the community.

Any of you who have been around long enuf may have seen the damage a little negative spark can create when everyone jumps in with their opinions - including mine. So I better cut it right here. GL to everyone involved and hope for a swift resolution.

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