My First team

My First team

Postby caseybats » Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:56 pm

I think I'm doomed :(

How can I post a link to my team here?
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:08 pm

Click on league and then statistics. Click on your team. Copy the URL (web address) and paste into this forum. You will know if you did it correct if there is a number at the end of the URL instead of .html.
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Postby caseybats » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:04 pm

Thank you LMBombers.

Hope this works:

Any suggestions?

There are 4 Minute Maids, 2 Kauffmans, 1 PNC and 1 Coors outside my Division.

My division has 1 Safeco, 1 Coors and 1 Kauffman. I am in SBC.

I missed out on all my SLG in the draft and on my SS.

Waivers runs tomorrow.

Thank you.
Posts: 55
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:43 pm

Your pitching isn't bad.

Unless you plan to DH Johnny Peralta I would get rid of him and get a 2 defensive SS unless you can get Michael Young.

You still need a 3B and a LF assuming you will DH Lofton. You should get rid of Peralta or Lofton, whichever one won't be your DH.

You are not in bad shape.
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:30 pm

Lookit here, Dame Case posting away asking for some advice... You knuckle head you :P :wink:

Listen to Bombs, he's a good one. he's right, Peralta or Lofton. you have some money to get you a nice SS, LF and 3B. maybe some in your bench might become redundant after those picks. I'd suggest you spend it all prior to starting the season. -I know how cheap you can get :wink:

Good to have you here in the SOM looney bin. If this team is where I think it is given your previous post you must be in a league with Maligned. He's über cool. Tell him I say Hi.

Enjoy your first run... it's gets addictive pretty quickly :)

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Postby caseybats » Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:00 pm

Thank you LMBombers.

Waivers ran today. I picked up Uribe for SS, not much but the best I could do. Also Cirillo for 3B and Crisp for LF to platoon with G.A.

Should I be worried about injuries? I figure to cover Cirillo with Orr and Quinlan, Castillo with Grafanino, Drew with Gross/Crosby and Kapler; Duffy with Lofton.

I read about OBP over SLG. Other than Uribe all of my position players should get on base at round .350 or slightly higher. But I don't think I have enough SLG.

Should I drop Drew for a right bat to better use my ballpark?

Chuck: You think you could get any more ambiguous with this remark:

"maybe some in your bench might become redundant"


Maigned is in my division. I will tell him you say hi.

Thank you.
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Postby LMBombers » Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:24 pm

You now have way too many players on your roster. You want to cut it down to 24 or 25 players at most. You should cut 2 of your RPs to start with. You do have lots of injury potential on your team so you might need more backups that normal. I would drop Drew for someone else. He has a 5 injury rating, occuring on a roll of 6 or 8. That will happen a lot. Drop him for a healthier option.

The key is you want to have as much of your salary cap in your starting players (hitters or pitchers) to optimize your cap. If a player has 600 PA (hits + walks) he can only miss 3 games maximum per injury occurance. If he has less than that he could miss up to 15 games at a time. You have many players under 600 PA. That is ok especially if the injury rating is a 1 (a roll of 2 or 12) which doesn't happen that often. The closer that injury occurance gets to a roll of 7 the more often that player will get injured.

Be sure to start Escobar and Cabrera every chance you get when you play at a Minute Maid park.
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Postby Stoney18 » Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:55 pm

Casey, LM is right about starting Escobar & Cabrera in MM parks. That's a big advantage. He's also right about Drew. Great stats but more injury risk than I would be comfortable with.

I'd like to see a few more righties in your lineup to play to your parks strength.

Is Graff playing 1st?

Loften & Anderson leave $4.3 million on your bench. That's too much. Crosby can back up CF.

Is there a big RH 1B or RF out there?
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Postby caseybats » Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:34 pm

My head hurts.

I have spent the better part of my Sunday looking at numbers that I can't make anything out of.

How do you guys do this?

My dilemma is that inside my division I am facing more Left handed pitching than right handed. Outside I will face more Right handed pitching.

Not counting Carl Crawford, Jermaine Dye or G.A. all of my players have less than 600 PAs and an injury rating greater than 1.

I don't know which way is up anymore.

I dropped some extra pitching and Crisp to get me Crawford. Then dropped Drew and picked up Dye. Got Blum to cover for Castillo. A platoon in 1B and a platoon to cover 3B in case of injury to Cirillo.

I don't know how to get to 24 players though.
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