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New team--Back to 05'---Post waivers--How's it look

PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:21 pm
Got kind of itchy to do another 05' so I entered a league and this team is post waivers.........I usually always play a strong pitching team....I did get RJ and Oswalt in the draft....but upon seeing the parks in my div..and the crap I got in the draft...I had to upgrade offensively to be competitive I think.........I KNOW the golden rule (especially 05') is NEVER trade RJ if you are lucky enough to land him.....But he brought me Dunn and Casey....And through some more wheeling and dealing I ended up with Beltre for Oswalt.......Vets Check out this team and give me some feedback....I am gonna play Figgins at 2b and go with my favorite CF platoon (05) Baldelli and Bigbie.......Can this pitching staff keep me in it...I am at the trop and the others in my div are: Coors--Citizens Bank and Yankee Stadium.. :shock:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:26 pm
by visick
That's NOT a good ballpark to take advantage of your best hitter. (Beltre)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:55 pm
Yeah I know, but I figure there are enough power lefty bats to cover him...He should be a force in the other parks in my div. :D