New Theme League each Team will have a disadvantage.
Standard auto draft dh 80m cap advanced league weighted waivers unique stadiums
Two round serpentine draft determined by lottery numbers high to low.
You can either pick one player with your first pick or your handicap when you pick your handicap you also pick your stadium.
Here are the twelve types of teams to choose from
your team name must refer to your handicap
1. crazy 8's-your 2b ss and cf def ratings must be add up to 8 or can use def subs but the starters must add up to 8.
2. Craig Dingmans- your closer must be under 1m doesnt have to be dingman. you can have other closers on your roster but they have to be c2 or less and the under 1m closer has to be set to close
3. Matt Diaz's- one starter must be .59 or less you can use a platoon but both will have to be under .59
4.Horatio Ramirez's- one starting pitcher must cost less than 1.50 can be a 4 or 5 man rotation but the 1.50 guy must be in reg rotation and not a spot starter.
5. 13- 3 staters postions must add up to 13 def ratings.again you can use def subs and platoons but both members of platoon must have same rating.
6. drop 2- After 81 games you can protect two players but the other 11 mgrs will vote on which two you must drop. you can pu any players to replace but the two players you drop become ineligible for you.
7. 77.0- no restrictions but you can only spend 77.0 m
8. inj team- 4 starting postions must have 2 inj or higher no starters can be 600 ab again you can platoon but both members of platoon must be 2 or higher
9*. no arms- all of and both c must have 0 or higher arms. at least two sp must have +hold ratings again you can have of on bench with - arms but they cant start. see amended section
10*. out of position- 6 of the 8 positon players cannot play at the primary postion listed.-see amended section
11. no speed- no player can have an A steal rating and no player can have higher than a 14 speed.
12*. approve a trade- no restrictions but after 81 games you must agree to a trade with the team with the worst record. you may insist that the trade only includes one reg player and if you are the worst team no trade has to made. see amended rule
exceptions to rules if a player is injured you still must list him as a starter but obviously his sub might not conform to your handicap. you can add drop your handicaped player for a new one that conforms with the rules
Interesting dec for first pick do you want a top player or is there a handicap that is less of a problem than the others.
league may not fly but I think it could be interesting