Ok Themers, here it is, a More Realism Theme league. 80 mil., DH, advanced, autodraft, weighted waivers, variable free agent pickups, [b:c1d20f6058]unique stadiums .[/b:c1d20f6058] Here are the rules:
Every pitching staff will use a 5 man rotation during the regular 162 game season. This is not in effect during the playoffs. Asterisk pitchers can pitch on three days rest during the playoffs, but not during the season. Every manager will set the rotation to be sure that it is a five man rotation. you may use [i:c1d20f6058]more [/i:c1d20f6058]than 5 if you want.
Your # 5 starter MUST be 1.25 mil. or under
A reliever's [b:c1d20f6058]maximum[/b:c1d20f6058] number of innings is 130. No reliever may exceed that limit. If a reliever reaches that limit during the regular season he is finished for the year. You [i:c1d20f6058]may[/i:c1d20f6058] drop him and pick up another before the 142 game mark [b:c1d20f6058]BUT[/b:c1d20f6058] any reliever you pick up must be 2.5 mil. or under and it is ONE drop ONE add. if you use up a 5 mil reliever, you may only pick up( if you wish) ONE reliever and that reliever can not be over 2.5 mil. And , relievers that have used up their max innings may not be picked up by another team. A reliever can go 130 and be fresh for the playoffs. The limitation is for the regular season.
You must get a total of [b:c1d20f6058]500[/b:c1d20f6058] plate appearances from one or any combination of 1.0 mil or below hitters. You can use one player at 1.0 mil or under, or a platoon or two platoons. The choice is yours but at the 162 game mark you must have had [b:c1d20f6058]500 [/b:c1d20f6058]plate appearances for one or a combination of 1.0 mil or under hitters. These hitters may not be traded or dropped. They do not have to play in the playoffs.
Stadiums will be picked by the lotto system, so put a State down when you sign up. As soon as the league is filled we will check the lottos that night.
Lowest number gets first pick of stadium and the Divisions will be:
East: Picks 1,4,7,10
West 3,6,9,12
I think this will be an interesting and fun league. So, sign up and play in a More Realism League.
1. Terry101- NM