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Hernandez or Weathers

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:32 am
Which will be beter agaist rb rlp? in coors to this team Weathers, David or r Hernandes



PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:56 am
by visick
Not for nothing but...

That's alot of money spent on pitching. :shock: Especially in an $80 million league.

$31.84 million is too much $ spent in a pitching park, let alone Coors...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:09 pm
by Jerlins
I'm in his league (division too), and against my normal philosophy have also spent $31 in pitching. There are 4 MM's in the league and nothing but lefties available in hitting. I don't think I've had but one team over $27 in pitching, but with the hitting thats left, I can't argue with spending that much this time around. And yes, I don't expect to have a .500 record because of the amount I've spent.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:51 pm
by visick
My thinking then would be since the righty sluggers are probably gone, go with the lefty/switch hitters that are not park dependant that hit RH's well.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:22 pm
by Jerlins
Well, unless your in need of a DH, there isn't any of those left either. In my case, the alternative is worse than the present. In the thread originator's case, I'd come to the same conclusion. His team is fairly potent for the amount spent on hitting. I'd do a few things different with his team, but overall I think he'll be competitive.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:16 pm
by bomp helium
Roberto Hernandez.

These guys may also be right that you have too much money invested in pitching...Heilman and Street are both first-class, but you only need one of them...let the other one go and perhaps upgrade at catcher (or even upgarde one of your starters to an "ace", if one is available...

It's always nice to have an ace...when you reach the playoffs, you want a real stud to start two of the five games in the semis (games one and five)...that's when the value of an ace becomes clear...

I would also suggest perhaps a stronger backup for 2B and SS...key positions and your starters are both injury-prone...your current backup is okay defensively, but maybe you could find someone with just a bit of looks like he'll get 200-250 at-bats...

good luck to ya!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:22 pm
Yes maybe it is a lot of money in pitching, but i think my hit is not a problem, just 2 weak position i tink ss and 2b but there´s noting in de free agents, mostly in ss so i prefer the 1 from everet in shot. I think Berk is a nice 1b, glaus have god power and lot of # barajas have alwais worked for me, and my of i think is solid bout in defense and power, with many and jones and the sped and the glove fron ichi. Dh is soriano so i don´t see the need of cuting of the pitchin, am i wrong?. I think there is just 3 lh sp in the divition, not to good btw, so i need the power against rigthies.

And then wich you prefer weaters or hernandes???


PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:32 pm
by visick
I've always had good luck with Hernandez. :D

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:14 pm
by JdEarly
Here's my thoughts on the subject...

1. I agree with the guy who said you don't need both Heilman and Street. With all of those Minute Maid's in your league, though, even if you don't need both of those arms, they'll sure be nice to have.

2. Ian Snell is going to pitch a lot more than you would like, I can promise you that. I would either get a guy who can only start for that fifth spot, so they won't get brought into games in relief... or try to find a cheapy who won't get knocked around so much. Glendon Rusch?

3. Adam Everett can go down for 15 games at shortstop, because he's not a 600 PA guy, but I wouldn't call him injury prone in this set of cards. Last year, yeah, but this year he's around most of the time. I wouldn't worry about him too much.

4. Worry more about your park than everyone elses. Granted, you will spend quite a bit of time in Minute Maid park with that many in your league, but the bottom line is that half of your games will be in Coors. Don't lose sight of that, and build your team accordingly.

5. If you can't find a second baseman with more pop to back up Adam Kennedy, who will more than likely spend quite a bit of time on the DL, I would recommend seeing if a cheap guy with power like Carl Everett is available. I know it's baffling to most people to start a 4 at a position up the middle, but I think Soriano would be all right filling in a few games here and there. I would rather have a solid bat at backup DH and Soriano manning second than Izturis's total lack of production out of that position.

6. With all the right handers you're sure to be facing, I don't know that Ichiro is going to post great numbers for you. Even in Coors. I'm sure that Jose Guillen has already been taken, but that might be an avenue you'd want to research.

7. Are there any cheapy 9R righty relievers out there? Peralta? I think he would be a huge benefit to you with all of those Minute Maids.

8. I agree that you could use an ace starter, a true number 1. I doubt that there would be a stud * out there, but if there is, I recommend you do everything in your power to grab him. If that means dropping Street and Sabathia to get that one power starter, so be it.

Overall, I like the set up of your team, but I don't know that you will finish over .500 without some changes. Right now, it really looks like an unfinished product.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:15 pm
Ok thank´s for the coments.

I like the security that brings Heilman and Strett in the pen, and in coor they will have a lot of work, i never have spend that much in pitching so this may be and nice experiment. I have other team, that is near 300 hr´s and have problems to get over .500 because of tyhe cheap pitchin, plus i have Heilman in there near 4.00 ear i gues is for the over use. So i´m bring him a nice partner, and i think he will be valuable agaist rigthies in MM

Ian is gone i think you are rigth he will be used as relive mora than i wish, get an cheap only sp 6r, maybe i use him some day, Kennedy will miss some games i don´t think i will use soriano in 2b, i prefer go with Sanchez and let the batting to the rest of the team.

Ichiro and Barajas are the only better against leffties that i have so he can be the difernce if i get some lefties relivers or can be the key to a pitcher change, don´t fell confortable with just rigth balanced players

There are no * ace starters, and my realy short experience they get bombed just like the mid pitchers so i prefer a good pen a lot of feith jeje.

Well any other coment is welcome
