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Franchise Theme League Revised.... NEEDS 3

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:22 pm
by geekor
Ok, to get this to fill, here will be the revised rules.

Every person must keep their Min number of their carded players from the team they choose on their roster at all times. This means you best have your Min on your roster before waivers even hit. Penalty for not carrying you Min will be not allowing you to use the highest payed player from your team. Your carded players are yours only, no one else can take them, so no excuses for not having your team done right.

for the other spots, you can have players of any salary on your team, IF they played for you team before, and are not anyone elses carded player. For instance, if no one takes BAL, OAK could use Tejeda.

Then to help the less fortunate, we have tiers of allowed salary for those players that never played on your team, and are not carded to you or anyone else.

Tier 1, 2 mil max, 21 player min:

Tier 2, 2.7 mil max, 20 player min:

Tier 3, 3.5 mil max, 19 player min:

Tier 4, 4.2 mil max, 19 player min:

Tier 5, 5 mil max 18 player min:

Players not carded on your team are based off draft order, so no gaurentees. Example, no one took NYM. The person who owns ATL try for Glavine, but a team who can afford him as a non cardrd player can both go for him. The draft will sort out who gets him. That's why it will be weighted waivers.

Copy and paste only this section to sign up:

1. ndowdy - St. Louis -- IN
2. geekor - NY Yankees -- IN
3. Fillies2 - Houston
4. sjkorte - Florida -- IN
5. Guachoboy - Dodgers
6. tomb4444- Minnesota -- IN
7. pczar - Detroit
8. Rant - Washington -- IN
9. rgimbel-mets -- IN

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:38 pm
by rgimbel
1. ndowdy - St. Louis -- IN
2. geekor - NY Yankees -- IN
3. Fillies2 - Houston
4. sjkorte - Florida -- IN
5. Guachoboy - Dodgers
6. tomb4444- Minnesota -- IN
7. pczar - Detroit
8. Rant - Washington -- IN

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:45 pm
by ndowdy
By being accommodating we actually lost one??? That sucks. Hope he reconsiders and/or some others hop in. I would like to get this going eventually. Sorry if my initial rules were too strict. I was following Page2's rules for the same theme which worked out pretty fairly. I even got rid of the 4 million dollar cap so that disadvantaged teams value wise would have a good chance. If we change the dynamics but so much it'll be an entirely different beast. If we get too far away from the "real teams" type of theme than we might as well go with some other theme like 2 teams or some such thing and try this one again later. People might be more responsive to it if we have only players who are playing with credits to burn after the season. What does everyone else think? I'm still up for it, either the original way I proposed, or I think Geekor's rule mods sound pretty fair. At this point I'm also up for a 2 team league and we can just pick 2nd round in reverse order of first i.e. I would pick last.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:17 pm
by paul.czarnecki
1. ndowdy - St. Louis -- IN
2. geekor - NY Yankees -- IN
3. Fillies2 - Houston
4. sjkorte - Florida -- IN
5. Guachoboy - Dodgers
6. tomb4444- Minnesota -- IN
7. pczar - Detroit -- IN
8. Rant - Washington -- IN

There is still one point I'm unclear on. Say someone picks Seattle. The owner of the Yankees does not draft Randy Johnson. Does this mean that the Seattle owner can try and claim Randy Johnson during the waiver period since the Yankees owner took a pass on him?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:35 pm
by geekor
1. ndowdy - St. Louis -- IN
2. geekor - NY Yankees -- IN
3. Fillies2 - Houston
4. sjkorte - Florida -- IN
5. Guachoboy - Dodgers
6. tomb4444- Minnesota -- IN
7. pczar - Detroit -- IN
8. Rant - Washington -- IN
9. Bobschwartz22 - LAA -- IN

No, your carded team is your, those players are untouchable.

Though I think trading them should be allowed, only to teams they previously played on. So if I didn't want Giambi, I could trade him to Oak for someone I can use, [b:e130424599]NOT[/b:e130424599] one of his carded players (unless said carded player played for my team before).

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:36 pm
by geekor
just thougght of this, quick vote about division. Should they be geographical (I prefer, more realistic) or by salary (i.e. the top dogs together, on down).

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:44 pm
by ndowdy
I was originally going to divy things up by region, and/or real life rivalries i.e. Yanks/BoSox Cards/Cubs etc. but it really doesn't matter to me anymore. That real teams league theme sort of faded away because people thought the Yankees were invincible under that theme.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:48 pm
by ndowdy
I wonder how it would work out if we had people only pick from their own teams but drop the cap down to 60. In theory any team valued over 60 would probably be able to make a team and if not maybe additional players could be .50 only or some such thing.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:38 am
by paul.czarnecki
[quote:4a6baa654e="geekor"]No, your carded team is your, those players are untouchable.

Though I think trading them should be allowed, only to teams they previously played on. So if I didn't want Giambi, I could trade him to Oak for someone I can use, [b:4a6baa654e]NOT[/b:4a6baa654e] one of his carded players (unless said carded player played for my team before).[/quote:4a6baa654e]

I think we should change that rule. If a team isn't willing to draft the player in the first place, I think another team that he once played for should have the right to place a waiver claim on him. Again, it rewards those who pick the higher payroll teams as some of their players are "protected".

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:58 am
by geekor
whether or not this gets off the ground, the rules are final.

There is no point in forcing people to have a min of their carded players, then tell them they can't use them all. It's contradictory.