Interesting quote re: Hal Richman

Interesting quote re: Hal Richman

Postby bkoron » Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:36 pm

[quote:76bc19a352]"Hal now works part time and has done so for a few years now. James will be retiring and I'll be following a couple of years later. The company is set up to continue running after we leave. James and I are about 95% to the point where we can do Hal's work on the baseball job and add more things each year. We are documenting everything we do on the four sports so there should be a seamless transition after we leave. As I said in a different post in a different thread, a lot of the work may be computerized in the future; it may not. I also said there will be about 5 more old seasons done. That's work by me, the way I do the research and the contacts I've developed. Whoever replaces me may have access to my resources, they may not; but they will have a working knowledge about how I do what I do, even if it kills them. In fact, I may continue to just do the old baseball seasons after I retire which should give you 2 seasons a year. That depends solely on what my plans are when the time comes.

SOM is committed to doing the old seasons. That's not changing. I said
that when SOM stops doing the old seasons the door will close forever.
That's true, but as Hal sees the future, it won't happen for quite awhile."[/quote:76bc19a352]--Steve Barkan, SOM employee, on Strat Fan Forum.

Now let's hope Dan Patterson goes nuts trying to figure out how I got this.

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