Pages loading slowly in 2006

Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:43 am
by wavygravy2k
Right now I'm playing 2006 and Back to the 80's. I'm seeing a big difference in page load times between the two. Anyone else seeing the same?
In the status bar it seems to get hung up at "Waiting for". I don't recall seeing this in the status bar when a BTT80s page is loading.

Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:54 pm
by wavygravy2k
Pages even seem to load slower when viewing them offline.
If you view the source of your team page you see the following. Pages load a little faster if this is removed. Anyone know what this script does?
[code:1:8c976f6b3c]<script language=JavaScript>
// configuration
OAS_url = '';
OAS_sitepage = window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname;
// OAS_sitepage = '';
OAS_listpos = 'Bottom,Bottom2,Bottom3,Frame1,Left,Middle,Position1,Right,Top,Top3,TopLeft,TopRight';
OAS_query = '';
OAS_target = '_top';
// end of configuration
OAS_version = 10;
OAS_rn = '001234567890';
OAS_rns = '1234567890';
OAS_rn = new String (Math.random());
OAS_rns = OAS_rn.substring (2, 11);
function OAS_NORMAL(pos)
document.write('<A HREF="' + OAS_url + '' + OAS_sitepage + '/1' + OAS_rns + '@' + OAS_listpos + '!' + pos + '?' + OAS_query + '" TARGET=' + OAS_target + '>');
document.write('<IMG SRC="' + OAS_url + '' + OAS_sitepage + '/1' + OAS_rns + '@' + OAS_listpos + '!' + pos + '?' + OAS_query + '" BORDER=0></A>');
<script language=JavaScript1.1>
OAS_version = 11;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla/3') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla/4.0 WebTV') != -1)
OAS_version = 10;
if (OAS_version >= 11)
document.write('<SCR' + 'IPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript1.1 SRC="' + OAS_url + '' + OAS_sitepage + '/1' + OAS_rns + '@' + OAS_listpos + '?' + OAS_query + '"><\\/SCRIPT>');
<script language=JavaScript>
var keepgoing = true;
function myfunction() { keepgoing = false }
function OAS_AD(pos)
if (keepgoing) {
if (OAS_version >= 11)

Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:03 pm
by wavygravy2k
With Adblock (Firefox) I added these filters below and the pages seem to load faster.**