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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:52 am
by rschwartz51
A couple of idea's.

On the main page of this message board are topic headers for NHL & NFL. Click on those and you'll get a message board for those sports.

I know of a national online club for Football called "OOPs". About 32 managers. My best friend is in the online. There is also a face to face but I believe it's dying due to the online format.

I'm in a OOP's Fantasy Football league thru CBS Sportsline. 16 managers. Each manager has 15 players with 7 reserves. You watch the games over the weekend as you play head to head against another team. It's not SOM but is fun.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:21 am
by Jerlins
I can see the hockey cards in my mind. 95% of them would probably look like Wil Cordero's 06 card.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:43 am
by Mean Dean
[url=]This site[/url] has active forums for all the SOM games.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:27 pm
by NFLed1
Strat has a great CD-ROM football game in which games can be played head-to-head online or against the computer (they also have a hockey game but I've never tried it). is a very good (and moderated) forum for discussion of all issues Strat.

There are dozens of online Strat football leagues. I run a keeper draft league SOMIFA and am in two other keeper draft leagues plus I have previously been in a few stock team leagues (a historical stock team 1979 league and a 1981 league). I play approximately 75 online games per year although I have seen that some others play 100+ with a couple playing nearly 150 (I wish I had that kind of time available!).

A few years ago The Sporting News had a Strat football game similar to the TSN/Strat baseball game but there wasn't enough interest in the TSN/Strat football game and after a year or two it wasn't continued. A few of the members in my league were first introduced to the game through TSN/Strat football.