Here we go again.....little Jacobs help here

Here we go again.....little Jacobs help here

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:34 pm

I am addicted, and now I am touring the league and playing in different stadiums.

This go around is at Jacobs:

I kinda built this like I did my Busch team (with help from the almighty SOM guru's)

Here is the scenario:

My division: Metrodome, BOB, Petco and Jacobs (my team)

Overall including my team there are:
2 Jacobs
2 Petco
2 Safeco
1 Metro
1 Coors
1 Ameriquest

Pre Waivers (5 et today)

As you can see, most are pitching parks, and there are some real good rotations out there.

I was planning on dumping Dye for Freel
getting a platoon for Howard
Picking up Tejada for Furcal
B. Thompson for T. Williams
Getting a strong L Pitcher in place of Madson.

Chime in and let your knowlege flow through me........... :D :D
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:51 pm

One thing i might suggest is not disclosing who you are trying to get in waivers before waviers runs. I did that a couple of years ago, and guys in my league read my post and took advantage of me! :cry:
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Nov 10, 2006 4:07 pm

I see your point, but I really wasn't too worried about it.

The players mentioned weren't absolutely needed, so I didn't feel too threatened.

Now if we were talking Derrek Lee or Roger Clemens, I would not have mentioned it.

But good point, I could see where someone may want to do some damage that way, but I would be dissappointed if they did.

Not very nice.
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Postby visick » Fri Nov 10, 2006 7:01 pm

I really don't like Howard with your division let alone your league.

Too expensive and too 1 sided.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri Nov 10, 2006 8:25 pm

Is this totally nuts, or will this work.


VS. LHP (Only 3 starters in my Division)(Wells, Duke, Hampton)
Roberts (???)

Here is my team as of now, and the others in my division

the others
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Postby visick » Sat Nov 11, 2006 8:05 am

2 of the 3 LHSP's are tougher on RH's, so it might pay to grab a lefty bat that hits lefties well...
***Looks like the 1st. team now has Johan***

G. Anderson?
T. Walker?

The lineups need some work Bodie. Lemme think about them and get back to ya.

Blalock will disappoint. Betemit around?
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My 2 cents...

Postby the splinter » Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:55 am

Take this with a grain of salt as I personaly don't like extreme pitchers parks and the types of teams that it takes to win in one....but here it goes.

I think you have over spent on starters. You have good middle D combined with an extreme pitchers park so you can afford to cut corner on the staff. With those parks in your division I think you could drop Patterson for any # of guys under 3 million . Whats up with you rotation anyway? Where does Wang fit(insert joke here)? I also see Taveras as unneeded. You want the bulk of the relief innings to go to Thompson with Rodney and Shouse used as specialist. Carrerra will pick up filler innings. Lidge closes. Taveras wasted. The end result is you can pick up 2-3 million from the staff.

I've said this many times about pitchers park offenses. The #1 mistake I see is that G.M's abandon power! You have no natural power on this team. You need a guy who can drop one in the cheap seats at
anytime..regardless of the park. Hilderbrand,and Catalanotto and Conine(although i like him very much) combined with the cash from the pitching moves can be morphed into a DH and a 1b with power! You might have to use 2 injury prone guys for your power threats as I assume all the prime chioces are taken. A Thomas/Sanders platoon could work. I also Like Griffey for this team. With Duffy injury prone Griff would make an excellent DH and back up CF. I'd consider playing Winn both ways despite his weakness vs. LHP. If there are only 3 LHSP in your divison then it won't be a major factor. If that changes than I would go for Kielty as a platoon. What are you doing with Freel? I'd drop Blalock(as mentioned he will not produce) and platoon Freel with Bell.

You have Roberts as your conerstone. He and Furcal make a good middle D. You have just fair OF arms. This could hurt in your park/divison as moving runners around becomes more important. Not a major factor on its own have no arm behind the plate either. No cathing arm and limited OF arms make for more bases advanced against you.....not good in a pitchers park.

If you have extra cash available after its all said and done you might want to upgrade from Thompson. he is not bad.. but a Heilman/Helling/Carrasco option would be huge. These guys can get you 250+innings of quality innings and allow Hal to better utilize your specialist settings.

Just some ideas. :)
the splinter
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:58 pm


Here are the Changes I made,

Added Troy Glaus at 3rd
Platooning L. Harris and L. Niekro at 1st

This is poor defense at corners, but still decent up middle.

Added Gomes as DH

Using Freel and Gabe Gross as Platoon for RF

Added Heilman for Major relief work

Cintron added for Backup and Q. McCracken for Backup in OF.

Dropped Wang and added Byrd

Here is how it looks as of now




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Re: My 2 cents...

Postby geekor » Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:58 pm

[quote:1416424b07="the splinter"]

I've said this many times about pitchers park offenses. The #1 mistake I see is that G.M's abandon power! You have no natural power on this team. You need a guy who can drop one in the cheap seats at
anytime..regardless of the park. [/quote:1416424b07]

Yes, like this team was 3rd from last in Hr's, but first in double, BA and OBP to take a title

This team was dead last in runs scored, Hr's, SLG, but obvioulsy was in front in pitching to a title:

My point is, yes if you are going with medicore pitching, you do need a better offense, that includes the slugging aspect of it. If you have a dominant pitching staff, you do not have to worry about that as much. It's all a balance, kinda like using the clutch/gas in a stick. You have to find the middle point where it goes vroom.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:12 pm

Nice point geekor,

I get so wrapped up in the numbers, that I forget that Dominant pitching does usually overmatch good hitting.

Now, the team I have put together (in my view) has very good obp with a little pop now, but that pop is going to come with a price. It will work out fine in parks with higher HR ratings, but could be a detriment in the many hitting parks.
I feel there is enough Natural power to outweigh the BPHR (outs), especially with hitters like Duffy, Roberts (your man crush), and Winn.

I think my pitching is very good for my division, and since the league is more pitching orientated, it should have pretty low era/whip.

Of course, I have been wrong before.... :x
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