Which is worse?

Which is worse?

Postby The Turtle » Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:32 am

Which trade offer is worse

You give up:
DeJesus, David (4,580,000)
Clark, Tony (7,610,000)
Kazmir, Scott (3,250,000)

Other team gives up:
Sizemore, Grady (6,240,000)
Floyd, Cliff (4,620,000)
Buehrle, Mark (4,680,000)


You give up:
Ortiz, David (9,120,000)
Colon, Roman (500,000)

Other team gives up:
Rodriguez, John (2,630,000)
Buehrle, Mark (4,680,000)

I offered the first trade and was replied to and sent the later trade, then after bickering about it over PM the other GM believes both trades are equally bad and feels justified sending me that offer.

I was wondering what people here think? am I that badly wrong in my first trade, was it that lopsided? The trade was sent 1 minute after the autodraft finished as a feeler and I felt it was an OK trade certainly in my favor but not horrible, and that a decline or a reasonable counter offer could not be made instead of the trade that was sent. Should I not be offended by the trade that was sent? Just curious. If I am wrong I will certainly apologize in PM to this guy, but I wanted to get the publics feel on this
The Turtle
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:23 am

A lot depends on what parks your two teams play in and what kind of backups each has at those positions. Also if the other owner has a 4 man rotation (4 *SP) then he obviously would not have any interest in Kazmir at all.

To answer your question.....The second trade is worse. Don't even consider accepting that offer. Many people highly covet Tony Clark. On the other hand Sizemore is one of the best CF in the 06 game, especially at a power park. If you play in a power park then Sizemore and Floyd would be dynamite for you. Floyd is a very solid LF in a HR park...one of the best.
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Postby durantjerry » Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:27 am

Why are you publicizing a private issue on the message boards. Should you be offended someone sent you a lousy trade offer? Be serious. I've been playing since 2001 and stopped being upset about trade offers around about 2002. When I get a ridiculous offer, I just look at it as a willingness to deal and see if we can get something done. If not, the guy is entiltled to his own opinion even if I believe he's 100% wrong in his beliefs. Maybe he's inexperienced, maybe he just likes certain players or maybe I'm wrong, as my teams seem to be losing 46.50% of their games. You don't have to apologize unless you called him an effin' idiot for sending such a crappy offer, but you may have to apologize for airing what seems to be a tiny, weeney trade disagreement in a public forum.
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Postby The Turtle » Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:38 am

For the record, durantjerry, he is a vet and sent me the offer as an insult to my trade offer because he thought it was horrible. As for the public forum issue, I did not list his name. If I had that would have been wrong, unless he steps in here and says it is him, I will NEVER list his name here. There is stuff all the time on the boards about trades and polls about how you respond to trades. I regard this in the same category.

What I am asking is if my trade offer was so bad that it should have been responded with an offer that he sent as an insult. Is this considered to be OK conduct.? I was offended by his trade response seeing as how we are both vets of SOM. Should I not have been?

PS. For the record he plays in Ameriquest, which is why I thought Clark would be good for him.

PPS After a series of PMs we are fine with what happened, but I am still curious if my trade offer was really that bad.
The Turtle
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:21 pm

Again, without knowing the rosters and both parks involved it is hard to say. However, on the surface of it.........I would not accept that deal if I was playing in Ameriquest. I would be giving up two hitters with power and both having 600 PA (3 game max injury) and a nice *LHSP for a CF with no power and a worse arm who is a 15 game max injury risk, a 1B with great power but a 2 injury rating (15 game injury guy) and a lower priced non-*SP.

If I have a 4 man rotation then I wouldn't even consider it for a second. Even if I have a 5 man rotation I wouldn't take that deal for injury concerns as well as a loss in total HRs. I think Sizemore/Floyd hit more HRs than Clark/Dejesus. Clark may only play 120 games too. You would have to have a pretty decent backup 1B if you go with Clark.

Your offer isn't ridiculous but it is one I wouldn't accept either. Some people are very enamoured with Clark and would disagree so you never know. I do not believe in trying to ridicule another owner by offering an obviously unacceptable trade in return however. Some owners cry about the lack of trade offers. When some owners are embarrased when they do try to deal it might lead them to not want to try again too much in the future. If there is completely no interest in any of the players offered just hit decline. If there is some interest but not in the complete deal then make a counter-offer. Simple as that.
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Postby geekor » Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:14 pm

Reminds me of another league I am in. The day the season started I sent another manager a trade offer, because his team looked horribly put together. I thought I was easily offering him more than I was getting, as I was just trying to test my SB theory and get some better stealers, I didn't care about the rest.

Well I got an email called "You are God" saying how how has played strat for 25 years and yada yada I know where I can stick it.

Now I just let it go and made a mental note to smite him when ever I get the chance, plus seeing as he is 10 games under .500 and I have the best record in the league now..... plus won 5/6 from him so far.... :P
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:29 pm

Go get him Geekor,

Personally I don't see why people don't get the Idea of trades.
Of course you are going to want to get something that is going to benefit your team otherwise why do it.

I don't get how people can come back with smart a** comments and take it personally.

I usually respond with an explination of why I don't like it or that I am not interested. Usually ending the conversation with......but I might be interested in a week or 2 depending how things are going then.

I understand that people are competitive and want to win, but that is only half of the game, the other half is the comraderie and fun we have wheeling, dealing and basic banter back and forth.

If this is so serious to some that a remark of that nature are warrented, then they need to find something else that makes them feel good about themselves. They need to lighten up and enjoy the game for the way it was intended.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Nov 11, 2006 4:50 pm

I think his reaction reflects the crazy wave about *SP. I guess he felt that you were broking his *SP rotation or something. But clearly, this craze for *SP has only one place to go: over the rainbow.

Because of this obsessive search for *SP, guys accept pitchers who hardly fit their stadiums. During this time, the few that rely on 5 (non)SP have like a plethora of choice.

I don't think I would be wrong to believe that the last three or four teams I have seen dominating recently all had five (non-) SP between 3M and 5M.

In any case, keep Clark and Ortiz. THey're WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY better than any contribution Buehrle could give you.
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Postby Roscodog » Sat Nov 11, 2006 10:32 pm

I do like when people put some thought into trade offers though. Don't just offer me something that you want to get rid of or something that works financially, look at my team and come up with what is a reasonable trade for something I might actually want. If you send me a lobsided trade that makes absoulutely no sence for me to make I may send you an appropriately lobsided trade back hoping you'll accept.
Last edited by Roscodog on Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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