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Records for the 06' game

Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:35 am
With 24 games to play this team has to be getting close to some offensive records....Are there any posted yet.....Would also be interested to know if anyone has used Frank Thomas like I have in this league....Knowing he will be injured alot I snagged Thames to DH while he is out and it has worked pretty well....Thomas has been available in darn near every league I have been in...guess managers don't want to deal with all the injurys.

Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:49 am
by rgimbel
Thomas, Frank R DH
- 474 102 116 11 0 66hr 107rbi 95 154 .245 .370 .686
this is what he did for me in the cell

Fri Nov 17, 2006 11:15 am
by geekor
No records as MMoose couldn't get enough volunteers to gather all the data. It's not hard just time consuming.

Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:45 pm
by bomp helium
since we contribute several hundred thousand dollars a year into the TSN food bank, maybe they could, uh...[i:5c236c2f15]pay[/i:5c236c2f15] somebody to do's a fun feature that adds to the game...
perhaps at some point the code could even be tweaked to keep track of such things, so that no (super)human effort is required...
hope this small complaint doesn't make HAL any more mad at me than he already appears to be...I have a nice little Kauffman team that was headed straight for the playoffs, until they lost [i:5c236c2f15]eleven straight[/i:5c236c2f15] with three to go, I'm three up for the wild card...if I lose three more then I'll KNOW it's a rigged universe...
I knew something was up when HAL pinch hit Charles (.520) Johnson for Todd (9.37) Helton with the game on the line...huh?...the only human being who would have even thought of that option would have been Charles Johnson's mother (maybe)...of course CJ struck out and then went out to play 1B (he's a catcher) and promptly committed the game-losing error...
please HAL...get some help...

Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:34 pm
by jagint
I agree with Helium. Maybe this feature should be added to the game. It would make it that much better. I also hope my reply doesn't influence HAL to turn the good start my latest team is having...

Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:32 am
by LMBombers
[quote:6f3f99ae36="helium56"]perhaps at some point the code could even be tweaked to keep track of such things, so that no (super)human effort is required....[/quote:6f3f99ae36]
The problem is that human effort and logic is needed to compile the records. You can't have theme leagues that use a limited player pool skewing the records. If you are in a theme league that uses only pitchers under 3M and makes you play you games in USCELL, Coors, etc the hitting records would be unusable. If you only use NL players, all LH batters or anything that limits the player pool those records can not be counted. It takes a little human intervention to spot these leagues.
Now if TSN could keep track of all the records but lets someone review the league prior to posting any records from that league then that would be great.

Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:35 am
by bomp helium
was that the case with 2005 records?...that theme leagues and all-Coors leagues or whatever were eligible for records?...or just regular leagues?
I can see your point...I imagine that's why this change hasn't already been implemented...
however it might be better than nothing to have records kept as easily (for all parties) as statistics are currently recorded...but then again, I see your point, and paralysis sets in...

Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:21 am
by LMBombers
[quote:1b03b9ee90="helium56"]was that the case with 2005 records?[/quote:1b03b9ee90]
I helped compile the 1969 records. Mighty Moose has been the coordinator of all TSN SOM records to my knowledge and I know he requests all helpers to screen for theme leagues that have a limited player pool. So to answer your question....Yes, that was the case with the 2005 records.

Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:29 am
by durantjerry
Regarding your team specifically, it's very good, but your offensive stats aren't overwhelming and I don't think you'd qualify for any offensive records. Pretty good amount of HR, but your BA and slugging seem relatively ordinary