These teams are obviously in different leagues,
I will premise this by saying both waivered at the same time so I was busy with one and then the other, so I couldn't concentrate on just one.
They are both different sides of the spectrum.
One is a Coors team and the other an Angels Stadium team.
My Coors team looks pretty good hitting wise, but pitching is very poor.
There are 4 MM teams (2 in my division) and I am only Coors team.
My Angels Stadium is at the total other end of the spectrum:
I got the Pitching, but the free agent market is decimated because there are 4 Cell teams (3 in one division).
My division is diverse here Angels(me) Metrodome, Petco, and Shea
I can't seem to do too much with CF or RF in this league, but will have a lights out pitching staff that should do well in my division.
None of the teams in this league are monsters because the wealth has been spread around so much.
Input for those interested is welcome and appreciated.
I figured there may be some interesting comments concerning the diversity of these two teams.