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Coments on a team

Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:06 pm
Hi guys just wanted tou to look at this team and get some advise

Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:23 pm
by LMBombers
A few suggestions:
I am not a fan of Belliard for 2006. Maybe downgrade for glove that costs less. You need more power from 3B. If you can't afford the big guns how about ARam, Glaus or even a platoon of Hall or Helms with Branyan?
Drop Kazmir for a *SP to make a 4 man rotation or drop Kevin Brown for a better SP. Bautista or Bedard work great in USCell.

Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:32 pm
by MadisonP
you should trade jeter for glaus to free up some money, then sign tejada
and yes, i am scranton office :)

Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:59 pm
Ok wavers pased some of the sugestions were taked, please check the team now, i have 2.5 mm, no sure if i should keep R. Seanez having Shields, i`m prety hapy with almost all positions, so i don`t know were to spend the money maybe in pitching??

Sat Nov 25, 2006 8:57 pm
by Minoso Express
Haven't taken a look at the rest of your league, but your division features some substantial lefty bats.
Davis and Rusch will get killed at the Cell, and Contreras will give up his share of longballs. I would absolutely dump Davis. Looks like Harden, Kazmir, Fassero and even Thomson are viable options, given the hitting in your division. Certainly preferable to Davis and Rusch, and maybe even Contreras. But like I said... have only looked within your division.
Also, why not get rid of one of your pitchers and carry 14 hitters instead?
Good luck.