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New League

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:35 pm
by cardiaccubbie
How long does it take to get 12 teams in a league. It has been 4 days and we still only have 4 teams?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:00 pm
Usually only takes a day or 2, but you must take into consideration that the Hollidays are upon us and most people will be away from work or home (depends on where they play the most).

Once the hollidays are over, you will find leagues filling up a little faster.

I have never had to wait over 3 days before for the '06 game.

Plus the new '70s game just started this week, so alot of people will be trying that one out which will take some of the '06 players away for a bit till the newness wears off.

Don't forget that we still have 3 months before '07 game is released so you should have no problem finding players after the Hollidays.