Bullpen advice needed

I've played in Coors before, but I have never had a problem with blown saves until now. Does HAL handle your bullpen differently when pitchers bat as opposed to when you are using a DH? I would appreciate any and all advice since my bullpen is the currently the weak link holding this team back.
closer usage = regular
relief usage = normal
Reyes is setup man and closer versus righties
Gonzalez does the same versus the left
Flores is set to avoid righthanders
Davies is set for mop up
Majewski has no restricitions other than to avoid blowouts
closer usage = regular
relief usage = normal
Reyes is setup man and closer versus righties
Gonzalez does the same versus the left
Flores is set to avoid righthanders
Davies is set for mop up
Majewski has no restricitions other than to avoid blowouts