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Big spending on set-up guys

PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 3:39 pm
What do you usually spend on your set-up guys?

I have had Heilman 2) and now Duchscheer. Both in the low $5 Mill. Is there a rule of thumb that you think of for middle relief?

I have a team starting tomorrow in the Metrodome and am using Roberto Hernandez. Also, I have been using setup guys that are no more than 2L/2R. You wouldn’t want your set-up guy more extremely balanced would you?



PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 9:24 am
I have roberto hernandez as my setup in a league we are in, steve, and I have been disappointed in him. In a division where he should be very good, he has the worst ERA/WHIP out of my pen in which all but my closer, f-rod, are cheaper. He's not doing terribly, but I just expected more out of him. I'll always grab heilman if I can for setup - his card and r3 are worth the price of two lesser relievers IMO.

Hernandez is a 3R and has done fine against the right-handers he's faced, but he's getting hit at a .303 pace vs lefties. So maybe it is a little too unbalanced on the left side.

Good luck the rest of the way in our league - we both have a shot at making the post season!


PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:03 am
by goredsox33
ive used hernandez on 3 teams now and he has been worth the $$.....

i have nathan as a closer now on a team wiht hernanez as set up...with gonzalez as my lh set up...
i thought this would be a strength for my team...but nathan has been horrible!!!

0-6 ,6 blown saves......era of 5 +

Here's how I look for a league that starts toniht

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 11:50 am
I have Hernandes matched with Lidge. I guess could use Lidge as setup and closer versus LHB. In my division only 20% are LHBs. RFK, MM Park and uSCell are the other fields.

Thanks for the input. Have a happy and peaceful holiday.

Thanks so much

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 3:12 pm
I am excited to start tonight. Thanks for the help.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 10:35 pm
by Jerlins

Looks like a well balanced top to bottom team. Expect big things from it. Good luck!


PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:06 pm

Thanks for the word. First series, Dye is 0 for monday and Lidge blew a save. Other than that things went well. I like Counsell in the second spot, hardly any DPs.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:28 pm
by bleacher_creature
FWIW from a non-2005 (cards that is) champ, Heilman is worth every penny. Especially if your park, and/or your division/league, feature planty of HR parks such as MM or US Cell. These days, it seems Strat GMs are going the power route more than the pitching and D route.

Heilman can do more for $5.5M IMO than a combination of guys costing the same.