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Official records posting thread - 2005 game

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:03 am
by mighty moose
Submitting for 2005 records site.

For recognition on the records site, your record must tie or beat a record already on the site. Your player must also meet minimum MLB standards for Plate Appearances (PA) and Innings Pitched (IP). This is 3.1 PA per game, which is 502.2 for our 162 game season. For our use, we will use 502. For starting pitchers, 1 inning per game is required, or 162 innings pitched. For relief pitchers, 40 innings pitched will be required.

All records must be submitted with verifiable links to the record. This is a process that is not always simple, but complete instructions are available on Moose's web site which will make this process easier. If you submit a link that does not work, I will reply to your submission with Invalid Link, and you will need to resubmit the record by returning with another e-mail or message base posting. [url][/url] - ANY of the records pages will list instructions on how to submit links.

Some of the categories in Hitting and Pitching are clearly shown in "Your Team", others are only shown in your leagues "statistics" section. All Team stats are shown in "Your Team". Top 5 will only for hitting, pitching and team records except in the case of ties for 5th position, where all teams matching the lowest will get recorded. Records listed in the statistics section that have a *** for team are players who served on two or more teams and are INELIGIBLE for records.

Single Game records will be the highest only for the category, so do not submit unless your game beats the posted record. You will need to submit the BOXSCORE link for the Single Game, Big Game, and Wild Game categories.

Extra-Inning games will be considered for the records pages, except where a record is broken by a corresponding "hit", "homerun" or "strikeout" (whatever the category is) and it comes in extra innings. If the record is broken before extra innings, the record is good for posting.

For perfect games, the boxscore must call it a perfect game with no walks or hbp recorded. No-hitters will be accepted in the 2005 game until there are 15, and then they will be listed by most strikeouts. Future no hitters will only be listed if they beat the minimum # of strikeouts.

Wild Games are recorded as any game of 35 or more runs combined two teams.

Cycle games are no longer recorded. Big game records will only be recorded until the page starts to reach it's records limit, then it will be truncated and only the highest will remain.

Records are not accepted from any type of radical theme leagues where the player pool is limited (all hitting or all pitching theme leagues, etc.) If you see a record and you know it is from a radical theme, please report it.

No longer of interest are records of attendance, time of game, extra inning games, or streaks. Expansion of the records site will be considered on a case by case basis, but all records that you want to have added to the site beyond what is there now MUST be able to be proved with a verifiable link to the achievement, and as a SINGLE link, not multiple links due to space restrictions on what can be shown on the TSN records area.

Submission of records will in most cases be posted within 48-72 hours.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:56 am
by korkie
HR's by one team (Bashers) -Game:

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:26 am
Moose, submitted for the following: team doubles, runs, walks, and OBP:

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:03 pm
by bernieh
I've updated the message on the upper right of the Record Books pages to point to this new topic instead of the one on the old boards.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:24 pm
by jbwt

Troy Glaus with 12 RBI (He had a grandslam in the 1st inning, and a 3 run HR and a GS in the 2nd inning)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:05 am
by Kangawomby
A couple more records from a league I had a team in.

PlayItAgain LostHawks 378 Team H/R.
PlayItAgain LostHawks .553 Team Slug Perc.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:04 pm
by jawajedi
Coors team that hit 405 HR's and had a team slugging of .571.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:10 pm
by jawajedi
Also with the same team in my last post, Barry Bonds had a BA of .408

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:30 pm

405 HRs, Lots of Ks. No YA, no Pujols. Highest salary 5.82MM[/url]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:39 pm
by J-Pav
Villone, Big Games, No-Hitter, 8 K's.

Reposted from the old threads. Thx, Jeff