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SOM: P's Rated for "Jams"?

Fri Jan 05, 2007 8:45 pm
by pcbaseballsims
Does SOM have the pitcher's equivalent of a "clutch" hitter? Another game co. gives a P a "jam" rating if he excels at extricating himself from trouble with runners on base. I dont see it in Strat's TSN online game, is it possibly in the som stand alone game board or pc?
--"Trader Jack McKeon"

Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:44 pm
by qksilver69
It's in the PC game, not sure about board game version. It's not used in the online version at TSN. In the PC it's located in the Max Rules button in Rules, and it's called "Starting Pitcher Clutch".
P's "Clutch" (Jam) Rating

Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:17 pm
by pcbaseballsims
Thx qksilver! Not many folks reply here so I appreciate it. Another helpful person advertising a lg in SOM online website ads referred me as well to the max/super advanced option, rules. An obvious question though is why dont RPs get a "clutch" rating also & if its simply built into the game engine for SPs it's not something you'll find on the card so you must go on reputation & just assume that the very best SPs in the game are "clutch" although that doesnt hold true for hitters. The best hitters are not necessarily clutch. Good thread.
Trader Jack