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Transaction help

Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:13 pm
by Sammy216
Should I drop Dye/Podsednik/C.Lee and add Brian Giles? I already have Lugo who I was planning to lead off, and Podesednik and C. Lee are going to be riding the pine since I have Figgins and Wells. Thoughts? Playing in Wrigley
Dye has a better arm, but Giles better range and great OBP.

Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:29 pm
by Stoney18
Post a link to your team. It can be difficult to give good advice without all the information. What are the ballparks in your division?

Tue Jan 09, 2007 8:56 pm
by Sammy216
here is my team. I'm at Wrigley. Within divsion are Turner. MM, Jacobs. Thanks for the help.

Tue Jan 09, 2007 9:20 pm
by Stoney18
My two cents.
With Wrigley & MM favoring righties and Turner & Jacobs neutral to lefty/right I would want righties with power and lefties with BA & OB.
I would drop Delgado for Giles. His power is wasted in MM neutral in Wrigly. Berkman gives you good lefty power and would fill that role.
Dye fits your park & MM.
I'm partial to defense and I don't like 3's up the middle or 4's in the outfield. Any chance of getting Tejeda? Kent is good in your park so I'd look to improve SS. Maybe drop Delgado for Tejeda & lead off with Pods. DH Lee.
Your SP are good. I'd replace Dempster. Too many walks. I like Thompson/Seanz for your park & MM.
Your definitely right about players on the pine. Put all your money in your starting lineup and have low price (sum $1) for backups.
Good luck

Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:10 pm
by Jerlins
Agree with Stoney on 3's up the middle, especially when they have 25 and 19 errors respectively. Nothing good could come of that, especially with two pitchers parks in the division, and of course, mine. 8)

Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:25 pm
by Sammy216
So do you sacrifice some offense for defense then?

Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:32 pm
by Stoney18
There are different points of view on how to be successful in Strat but most people agree that defense up the middle is important. Some players in the right situation, like Kent in a righty power park, even out the poor defense with good offense. Lugo isn't one of those.
I think you have a pretty solid offense now. Tejeda would be a great fit.

Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:56 pm
by Sammy216
thanks, I'm already an addict. Would you keep T. Hall or drop him for Varitek. I like that Hall is cheap and rarely strikes out while Varitek is a K machine, although his DEF is superior to Hall.

Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:06 pm
by mbrake
Lugo is gonna hurt you defensively especially with Garland & Mulder as SPs that induce a fair amount of GBs. Not a huge Podesednik guy. Also consider getting a better #2 LHRP.