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From the Stratomatic site...

Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:46 pm
by visick
Welcome to the Official Site of the
Strat-O-Matic Game Co.
Opening Day for new 2006 baseball will be on Friday, January 26th at 1PM
All customers planning to come and pickup products on Opening Day need to place a Pickup Order and receive a Pickup Number.
To place your pickup order please phone SOM at 516-671-6566.

Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:59 pm
by Detroit-Tigers
Does that mean the disk are being shipped then?

Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:18 pm
What does this mean????
I am just a simple man and need things spelled out for me
I guess this is for the Computer game not the TSN game

Wed Jan 10, 2007 2:01 pm
by visick
In other words...
If you live close to the Strat HQ's, you can pick up your 2006 products on 1/26. you need me to type slower or shall I draw out some pictures for you?

Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:02 pm
I want pictures,
Where are they located????
I live in a bomb shelter with no forms of will I get my stuff????
I am interested to see if the Book and Ratings disc will help me out :roll:
I have to figure out a way to win some rings.....only one and have 10 playoff teams with 2 more close to making it to the playoffs.
I haven't used the disc before (or book), I am wondering if it will help or hurt when choosing teams. Sometimes too much info clogs the brain and makes you second guess everything.
I will most likely need some help in deciphering the book and disc so plan on hearing some really dumb questions in the near future. :oops: :cry: :lol:

Wed Jan 10, 2007 4:29 pm
by Stoney18
PD, some people live & die by the cards, I live & die by the ratings disk.
It takes a little time synching the ratings disk with SOM prices but once you're done it's easy to find lefties with good OB vs left, compare BPHR's for all SS with a 2 or under rating, etc.
I don't think I would be competitive with all the smart guys without it.
I am with PD

Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:06 pm
Please type slower so I can read your lips easier. This will be my first time with the book/disc.
BTW, Any relationship with the info in the Bill James Handbook or Basebll Prospectus and playing SOM?

Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:20 pm
by geekor
PD, sponedal:
you understand that each pitcher and hitter card is broken down to 2 sides Vs L and vs R. And each of those sides has 108 total chances of something happening (outs, hits, Hr, etc). The ratings disk just gives you all that info, without you having to calculate it by hand. So I will know Arod had 50 OB chances and 86 Tb's and 12 Hr's and 8 BP Hr, and his chances for a walk, dp, K, etc etc vs both R and left, just by looking. So if you want a P who is strong vs Lefties, you can see exactly how good he is.
Thanks Geekor

Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:27 pm
Sounds like I can quit wearing loafers since I won't be taking my shoes and socks off as much.

Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:06 pm
I am looking forward to them,
Yes, I do understand that there are 108 per side, but until I see the disc and book and really start to break these cards down I won't totally understand everything.
It is kinda like watching a Foreign movie [b:c698db3569]without[/b:c698db3569] the sub titles.
You see what is going on, but you really don't understand the stuff behind the actions until you understand the words