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Battle for Bragging rights going into '07

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 4:21 pm
I was wanting to gather up some of my most common nemisis' for one last go around for '06 and lead into '07.

It will be an Advanced league 80M DH Auto Draft

Here is the idea behind it.
I want to do kind of a pot luck league:

We would run a randomizer to set up Divisions for fairness
Then run a Randomizer for Ball parks again to add some skills to this and to make sure there are no duplicate Ball Parks

This way every team will know who their opponents will be and what Ball park they will be playing in before filling out Draft lists.

We could even run a 2 round Serpentine Draft to claim 2 players before filling out draft lists. (This is up for discussion). Do this in one Day if possible.

I wanted to see if the Following players would be interested before opening it up to just anyone.

I want to do this next week so we can start 1 week from Monday so league would finish right about the time '07 begins.

Check in if you are interested:


Ehlekev, Socalchiro, LM Bombers, Geekor, Frank M, Doc Tax, Bigmahon, C2, Jerlins, Durantjerry, J-Pav (he ate my lunch last year), Stoney18, Markp65, Worrierking, Dave Carroll, PJ , AZHawg, ArrylT, Aray0113, Maligned, Free Radicals......(I am sure I forgot plenty of people, and I apologize, but you all are welcome)

And anyone else that I have gotten mud stomped by this year or have come across in one way or another.

Just pipe in and we will get a list together

1st come 1st serve:

1. Puckin Drunk












PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:28 pm
by ArrylT
1. Puckin Drunk

2. ArrylT











Thnx for the invite, glad to join :)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:30 pm
by cummings2
1. Puckin Drunk

2. ArrylT

3. C2










PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 5:55 pm
Glad to have you guys, should be a lot of fun and friendly banter back and forth.

As I am sure you are all to find out, I will be getting the brunt of the kidding around some of these guys.

Give a shout about the 2 round serpentine. I figured this may help if you get stuck in a park you haven't played in before, and might give everyone a good start to their draft lists. At least I will give us a better Idea how to defend those in our divisions.

This should bring the Cream to the top........and I am sure to sink to the bottom with some of the skills that could be mustered here.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:02 pm
by Jerlins
1. Puckin Drunk

2. ArrylT

3. C2

4. Jerlins









I'm in!! I vote yes for the stadium and 2 player serpentine as well. Tried to begin the same type theme before the holidays, but timing was bad methinks. I'm not sure AT would vote the different parks though. He seems to like being one of the same 3 in the same division :? :?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:04 pm
by Play By The Rules
If this goes without a live draft tonight, I'm in. I love the idea about random stadia, I don't know exactly how it might work, though.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:09 pm
Great to have you.

I wanted different parks so we could all put different skills to the test and also may really dig into some of the other player's strategies.

It kinda adds to the thinking process, to know who your opponents will be and what parks they have to play in. It will add some skill to picking your team as well as defending against those in your divisions.

I find that we all go for certain players alot because we have had success with them, if you have played against alot of these guys, you will have an Idea of who they are gonna go after and you can try to grab someone you know that would hurt you or someone they might need to fill a hole.

I just thought it would add a little something to the drafting process.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:15 pm

I have run with unique stadiums in several leagues here and over on the ATGIII side.

It is rather easy, we will use the stadiums listed in alphabetical order 1-30, then run a random number generator, and whatever your number is, match to that stadium. There won't be any duplicate numbers so there won't be any duplicate stadiums.

It won't be live draft except possibly for the 2 Round serpentine if everyone wants to do that.

Other than that, it will be a matter of filling out your draft lists like always and entering the divisions based on how they work out.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:17 pm
by visick
Hey Bodie...

Thanks for the invite, but I'm gonna pass.

I'm burnt out on 2006. I'm in a league starting Monday that will allow $30 million to carry over into 2007 and I drafted accordingly. Meaning, I might see 100 losses, but have a # of good choices for next season.

Thanks again and good luck...


PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 6:46 pm
by ArrylT
[quote:fa60243596]I'm not sure AT would vote the different parks though. He seems to like being one of the same 3 in the same division [/quote:fa60243596]

Gotta love it when people bad-mouth you and they don't know their foot from their ***. Guess how many leagues I've been in with Jerlins in 2006. If you guessed a # higher than 1-2 you're wrong (and could very well be 0). Guess how many public autodrafts I've been in in 2006. If you guessed a # higher than 0 you're wrong.

In other words I've played all of my 2006 leagues as private leagues, with the vast majority of them having some sort of ballpark requirement, and not once can I recall having been in the same park as 2 others owners in the same division.

However if Jerlins, without any evidence to back up his phony claim is certain I am going to be a problem, I'll be more than glad to withdraw.