by Terry101 » Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:33 pm
I once lost Hafner for 29 of 30 games. Lost for 15 back for 1 lost for 14. That, I think is harder to do than Sanders for 29 straight. But to answer your question.
It is a very rare event. More rare than 1 in 10,000. If you were to ask, What are the odds that Sanders gets injured in the NEXT three at bats- the answer is [b:a9ad2ca7f6]1 in 80,000.[/b:a9ad2ca7f6]
But that is not what you are saying. You are saying, I think, What are the odds that Sanders gets injured in three consecutive at bats DURING the season? That answer is what Marcus gave you and is a liitle less than 1%.
You may also ask, ONCE Sanders gets injured what are the odds he gets injured in the next two consecutive at bats and the answer to that is- just under 1 in 2000.
Remember, in any given single game Sanders has only a 90% chance of making through the game WITHOUT getting injured.