Some Friendly Advice

Some Friendly Advice

Postby TIMMULLICAN » Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:17 am

I have tried to take the advice given to help my team, and really appreciate your input. This game is totally different than what I have done in the past.

Still open to any suggestions.



Last edited by TIMMULLICAN on Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby geekor » Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:25 am

your offense is a complete mess. Usually, lots of platoons don't work, but your guys aren't even platoon material, they are all 1R, 2L (where platoons are usually extreme). Your def isn't very good either, and your pitching is much too LH (unless you have a couple of Shea's in your division). Though I like Brown a lot, I'm not to keep on your Rp's, they don't give up Hr's, but the whips are very high.

wow, there are a lot of good Fa's left. Hudson, Zambrano, Zito... but concetrate on Hitting first....

Abreu for Dh, Pratt at C, Delgado at 1b, S Green makes a good cheap RF
at 2b if you don't care about def, grab Vidro. If you do care get Giles, or if you can't afford him Kata or Ellis.
Keep Rollins at SS
Edmonds at CF looks like the only sure thing left. If not you have to go fora bad arm in Pierre or Damon (or keep Figgins who won't hit much)
for LF get someone like Gerut and platoon them, or just grab C Jones and play a crappy 4 in the OF.

Get all the rest of your bench players as close to .50 as possible.

Use the rest of the money to upgrade you pitching, trying to get the SP's I mentioned above.
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Postby visick » Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:12 pm

Welcome to Strat Timmy...

(Little rusty in the 2003 game, but here goes with some general/specific info)

1. You're in a hitting park. and you've spent too much on pitching, and not enough on hitting. You'll beat people slugging them with the bats, not beating them with the arms.
2. Either go with 4 *SP's or 5 non *SP's. (I'd go for the latter) You need to get the most bang for the buck. If you go with 4 *SP's, pickup a 5th SP, @ $.50, SP only.
3. You need more innings from your pen. You've got 2 closers. Plus 2 RP's that are R1's. Look for R2 relievers. (ie. guys that I've had luck with are Cressend, Weber, Adams etc...
4. A cheap closer that I've had ALOT of success with in the 2003 game is Sazaki. If you get him, have him picth ONLY the 9th inning.
5. Your team is an injury waiting to happen. 600 AB's or > means a player can get injured for only 3 games. Under 600 AB's, a guy can go down for up to 15 games.

C-Johnson. I'd keep him, and hit him both ways. Grab a $.50 backup. (ie. Miller, Mayne or Wilson)
1B- This is a power position. Casey has none and Teix needs a platoon.
I'd go with Thome.
2B/SS- 1 defensively is optimal. 2 is OK. If you use a 3 @ these positions, he'd better be a great hitter. ie. Vidro @ 2B. I would however keep Rollins @ SS.
3B- Another power position. Ensberg or Rolen instead of what you've got.

Sorry I'm out of time. You need guys to get OB at the top of the lineup (1 and 2 spots) and then guys to bring them around in the 3/4/5 spots.

Good luck and I'll check back when I have more time...

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Jan 29, 2007 2:32 pm

Tim, I concur with Geekor and my old buddy SoCal.
From my point of view, you have way too much balance. This turns out to be a waste of payroll. You'll get below average results from average players. You will need some star power on offense. Cash in some mid-tier guys and pick up some cheap .50M guys to backup the stars.
You really should also cash in some of your pitching dollars (particularly relievers) and convert those dollars into hitting.

I would keep C. Johnson, Rollins, and cash in the rest for some higher priced everyday starters.

Best of luck to you.....and let us know how your team ends up looking like.

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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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