How Brutal Would It Be......

Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:21 pm
by Loobee
If I were to actually play Big Papi and his stellar 5 rating at 1b??? How often does the 1b def. come into play ? I have won in the past with a 4 at 2b but have never played anyone on the field that goes out there and plays barehanded with a 5 rating. Just the pickings are real slim for available 1b in my league but there are a few out there that could be nice d.h.'s . Anyone with some help on this would be appreciated !!!

Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:34 pm
by Mean Dean
Well, at least he doesn't get any worse when he has to hold a baserunner :shock:
1B(X) will come up about 0.93% of the time. If your team has 6,264 plate appearances against (looking at 2006 team stats, this seems like a reasonable number -- 38.7 per game), you'd have about 58 1B(X)s. Of those 58 against Ortiz, you'd expect about 17 to be SI**; 6 to be SI*; 12 to be groundballs if he's not holding on a runner at the time or playing in, but SI** if he is doing either one of those; 14 to be gbC (runner advances); 6 to be gbB (fielder's choice); and 3 to be gbA (double plays.) So, average all that out (easier said than done), subtract it from his hitting, and that's what his overall worth is when you play him in the field. (I'd guess that his price is based on his DHing, so it would also be costing you money, in the sense that you could get a better overall player -- less offense, but less toxic defense -- for less money.)

Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:00 pm
by Loobee
Thanks Dean, Excellent breakdown of the numbers !!! I think I may have to come up with a Plan B as far as my 1b goes!