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My first Strato experience sucked AZZ!

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:03 pm
by B.B.H.
I went 66-98 in my first Season playing strato. I had some decent players and my Pitching was Tops for most of the Season, but my batting was the worst all Season.

I dont like the Stat lines for the Players, like some of my guys had like 27 Homeruns and 80+ RBI and only hit .204, and Pitches with 2.49 ERAs with 5-13 Records, while guys like John Olerud has 118 RBI!! I picked Petco Park for my field so maybe that contributed to my dismal record, but i had fast players and still didnt even come close to leading the league in doubles or triples in a huge field like Petco.
I dont know that i will play again, maybe i just dont understand the concept, because i know i am better than this.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:22 pm
by markp65
BBH - I think just about everyone here has had similar frustration with their first few teams. Your smarts and abillity have nothing to do with it. It's just experience. There are lots of subtleties of the game to master. That's what makes it fun.

Take it as a challenge. Post a link to your team if you'd like to hear some constructive observations. Do read the archives of these message boards -- this one and the "strategy" forum. Tons of good ideas there.

Then buy another team and kick our collective asses.

Mark P

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:15 pm

Don't get stressed on one bad season....I have had plenty.

My first Petco team went 47-115, that should tell you that there is a learning curve.

Petco is one of the most difficult parks to play in when you first begin. The players that perform in Petco the best are not the players that you would usually use in other parks.

Petco teams need speed, OBP, and players with a lot of doubles on their cards, and Natural power vs. players with a lot of BP#.

Without seeing your team, you had power hitters that had a lot of BP# on their cards thus turning these into outs because of Petco's dimensions.

I learned the hard way too and I kept dumping players throughout the season which just made matters worse.

Give it another shot with a team in a more neutral park and I am sure you will see more success.

Markp65 also gave some good advice, put a link to your team here so we can see it and I am sure people will point out your areas of weakness.

This is the best way to learn, and to scour these posts to see how others form teams.

Take a look at Bigmahons post about his Petco team and take a look at his team.....not a lot of players you would normally use....Beltre, Duke.....Fick....

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:29 pm
by B.B.H.
[quote:0c2bfd3abd="Puckin Drunk"]BBH,

I learned the hard way too and I kept dumping players throughout the season which just made matters worse.


Thats what i started to do, then i just got frustrated and just kinda gave up...this is the team i finished with.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:35 pm

That link doesn't work.

To get the proper link, go to the "Stats" page on the menu. Then click on your team...It will have an id# at the end of the link, then copy and paste that here.

As it stands now, the link shows me one of my teams

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:47 pm
by durantjerry
Then-first team in 2001 was 76-86. Only one playoff and three winning records in my first seven teams.
Now-One of the greatest players ever

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 6:59 pm
by J-Pav
Ten mostly lousy teams before first title, circa 2002 (way back before the days of the discount five pack!)

4th 63-99 38.0
3rd 76-86 13.0
4th 64-98 27.0
2nd 94-68 2.0
3rd 87-75 5.0
4th 80-82 15.0
1st 86-76 -
1st 76-86 -
3rd 87-75 5.0
1st 89-73 -
[b:1b9f89e69e]CHAMPS[/b:1b9f89e69e] 1st 91-71

If it were easy, would it really be any fun? :o

PostPosted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:02 pm
by Terry101
First two teams 69-93 and 72-90.
You get better with experience. Just like in real life. The game isn't that easy. In fact, it is very difficult. There are 11 real managers playing against you. And, these guys weren't born yesterday.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:19 am
by ArtemusRex
[quote:c784da725c="Terry101"]First two teams 69-93 and 72-90.
You get better with experience. Just like in real life. The game isn't that easy. In fact, it is very difficult. There are 11 real managers playing against you. And, these guys weren't born yesterday.[/quote:c784da725c]

How then do you explain being in a division with two managers with "0" ratings and coming in third place?!? That's when, as an experienced manager, you say its beginner's luck.

Like they said BBH, keep trying. My first team had 84 wins and my second made the playoffs. I didn't even sniff the playoffs for 6 months after that (about 6 more teams). I've found that playing the 2005 set is a good place for first year managers to cut there teeth. Its not that experienced managers don't play there but not quite as many and leagues usually don't take more than a week to fill.
