hitter clutch ratings and intentional walk probabilities

Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:08 pm
Does HAL consider the clutch rating of the next batter when deciding whether or not to issue an intentional walk to the guy at the plate. Case in point, I have David Ortiz hitting in the #3 spot. Is it beneficial to have Reed Johnson or Carl Everett bat behind him with their spectacular clutch ratings as opposed to Aaron Guiel or Victor Martinez who have negative clutch ratings?

Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:45 pm
by qksilver69
The clutch factor is *the* criteria HAL uses in deciding intentional walk with men in scoring position & 2 out. If the guy on deck has a lower BA in the clutch than the man at the plate, HAL will issue the IBB all day long.
To more fully answer the question, you do need to compare what the actual clutch BA is for the hitters you mentioned. Everett hits .306 in the clutch, Martinez .244. Johnson hits .315 in the clutch, and Guiel .247. (I'm getting those from the card notes on the CD ROM, btw)
No question I would use either Everett or Johnson behind Ortiz, likely Everett if you're in a hitter park.