Looking for someway to make a draft??(OT)

I know this is off topic, but i thought i read here where someone made a draft software so they could have a strat draft.
Well im looking for someway to make a draft for a tecmo league I'm hosting starting in June.
Basically if you dont know tecmo is a NES video game.
If possible I would like to be able to put all the players in a system and have them be able to be drafted.
I have no idea if this is something that can be easily done, cannot be done, or isnt even an option.
I just thought I heard of someone creating a draft for Strat
Well im looking for someway to make a draft for a tecmo league I'm hosting starting in June.
Basically if you dont know tecmo is a NES video game.
If possible I would like to be able to put all the players in a system and have them be able to be drafted.
I have no idea if this is something that can be easily done, cannot be done, or isnt even an option.
I just thought I heard of someone creating a draft for Strat