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Overspent on RP

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:01 pm
by Madigan33
This is only my third team. I am wondering if I overspent on pitching. I have one RP that cost just over $1M and has not pitched yet. Just looking for some advice...Thanks

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:17 pm
by Roscodog
personally I like to spend a little $$$ on my bullpen. I don't think you spent too much. I just think you spent it on the wrong guys, dito for your starters, considering that you're playing in MM. Hard to be critical though maybe you did the best you could with what was available

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:24 pm
by ArtemusRex
The rule of thumb of course is 40% on pitching which works out to 32mil. I didn't crunch the numbers but you look ok. I think its just that you have 12 pitchers. Personally, with one of you pitchers not getting any play and you having 4 * pitchers with no real need for additional starter except for a fifth for numbers purposes and Halama having a high ERA and especially a +2.0(!) WHIP then I would cut bait with him. Yes, players can bounce but but why bother when you have 11 other guys, 2 of them fellow S/R guys.

Just my 2 copper Lincolns.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:26 pm
by Madigan33
Who are the best pitchers for MM?

I did not get any for my starters in the draft so these are all guys I picked up on WW.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:30 pm
by visick
Hard RH's

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:47 pm
Carpenter, Byrd, Zambrano, Weaver, Jason get the drift