Good People Tournament..Signups in All-Time Greats Forum

The whole purpose of my tournament is to give all of you in the Strat community a sense of participating for a cause that can help others. I have been blessed with the chance to try and help others in need and want to share the experience with members of our community here in Strat. I would really appreciate hugh support for another chapter of the Good People Tournament whereby I will donate another $10,000 to a charity of my choice. It will relate to either human health or children's eduation. This is the 3rd chapter of the Good People Tournament with the 1st $10,000 donation going towards Riley's Childrens Hospital in Indiana and the 2nd $10,000 just was sent to the St' Baldric's Foundation for children's cancer. Depending on the number of participates will dictate the number of rounds that the tournament will require. Please sign in below. I will keep this open for participation for the balance of March or until there's enough.....Thanks as always....Bobby
There will be a message sent along to the charity explaining the tournament and mentioning the winner of the tournament along with the donation...You're all welcome to join....
There will be a message sent along to the charity explaining the tournament and mentioning the winner of the tournament along with the donation...You're all welcome to join....