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I like my team...but you probably won't!

Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:53 pm
by tkl33
My annual foray into the 200X games....
Here they are...for better or worse.

Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:12 pm
by LMBombers
There are many things to like about your team. I love all those guys that hit so many doubles for your pitcher's park. That is great!
Apparently you are in a no-DH league or else I can't tell who your DH is. I'm not crazy about Soriano for your team especially if he is going to play in the field.
I'm not sure how your cheap closer platoon will work but I don't think it will be good.

Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:40 pm
by tkl33
I agree that the cheap closers are iffy. I've used that approach with good success in ATG, so I thought I'd give it a shot here. If it goes south, I do have a backup plan ready.
Soriano isn't the best fit here, I agree, but I just didn't see anyone I'd rather have. He does give me some HR power in the small parks and his D in LF shouldn't hurt too bad. I'm going to hit him in the 5-6 spot and with his speed, the lower guys can get some RBI's...hopefully. :wink:

Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:15 pm
by Palmtana
With not one lefty bat and only one switch hitter I think you may be susceptible to your division foes pitching. Adding up the balances of their SP it comes out to 12R. That's not counting Tejeda (7R) on the Aces but I think even he could give your team a go. Any time to get a LHB or two in there? Your park and your division's parks give a [i:7f619bc024]slight [/i:7f619bc024]advantage to RHB, but not enough to make your team look like a '06 MM.

Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:23 pm
by the splinter
I agree with all of the above...also by dropping Soriano you can get a LF(or platoon) who will lead off and give you better D. Your D could be your achilles heel....with a 3 at SS and 4's at 3b and LF your left side is weak.

Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:37 pm
by Free Radicals
Our teams are almost the same in the OF . I have Gonzalez in LF and Soriano DH . I may switch them but that's what I'm starting . Wells and Mathews . So , of course , I like your OF . I had Young but switched him out for Jeter. Like I said we have similar looking teams . I have the cheap Pen also ( Jones, Jenks, Valverde, Cordero and Schoenweis .) I'll have to keep an eye on your team for comparisons . Overall , I don't think it's bad at all , but what do I know's all new ...right ? :wink:

Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:14 pm
by tkl33
[quote:fca64a017a]With not one lefty bat and only one switch hitter I think you may be susceptible to your division foes pitching. [/quote:fca64a017a]
I rarely, if ever, build my offense to my divisions pitching. I build them to what I think "feels" right for my team. The only spot I don't like in my defense is SS, but I'm sure Youngs' offense will help offset it. In the 200X games, everyone has a weak spot or two anyway.
Should be a fun season, regardless. I like this set, so I'm sure I'll try again in a week or two.
Thanks for the comments! :D
Free, our teams are very similar...I hope yours does very well!!! :wink: