I'm working on a concept for a keeper league. I'd appreceate any ideas for improvements or problems that may be dealt with pre-emptorily.
1) $100m salary cap for team, no cap on Franchise.
2) each team drafts unique ballpark before player draft
3) each owner to take part in a 35 player serpentine player draft. The 35 players so drafted constitute that owner's "Franchise". The Franchise roster is frozen 24 hours before the first games (i.e. 10:00 p.m. EST Sunday).
4) Teams must be comprised of players from each team's Franchise only. Teams may add/drop (at 20% penalty) during the season, but may only add drop players within their Franchise.
5) The second and any subsequent times a player is dropped from a Team roster during any given season, that player is exposed to waivers and may be picked up by any other Franchise without compensation. A player selected on waivers must remain on the roster of the selecting Team until the end of the season and may not be cut from that team's Franchise at the end of the season. Such restrictions do not apply if the player is subsequently traded.
6) Franchises may make uneven (2/3) trades during the season. However, the team gaining the extra player must drop a player to restore his/her Franchise to 35 players prior to the start of the next game. The team giving the extra player may not replace that player until the next season draft.
7) For the following season, each team must retain at least 25 players from their franchise. Each Franchise may cut up to 10 player (so long as such cut does not reduce the Franchise to less than 25).
8) The Owners will then have a non-serpentine draft (worst to first) of as many rounds (up to 10) as may be necessary to fill the Franchise Rosters back to 35. Teams that are short handed as a result of waivers or unequal trades will have their replacement draft included as the 10th pick in the above. E.g. Due to a waivers claim the Yankees have only 34 players on their Franchise roster: a) The elect to drop 9 reducing their roster to the minimum 25. They draft in all 10 rounds. b) the elect to drop only 8, they will draft in rounds 1 -8 and 10.
This seems to allow for a real keeper league giving a benefit to being able to use up and coming players without them pricing you out when they get good. It allows (hopefully) good teams to stick together while still allowing weak teams to rebuild themselves.
any ideas would be appreaciated.