Seeking Help from the pros

Seeking Help from the pros

Postby IrishJoe » Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:21 pm

I'm working on a concept for a keeper league. I'd appreceate any ideas for improvements or problems that may be dealt with pre-emptorily.

1) $100m salary cap for team, no cap on Franchise.

2) each team drafts unique ballpark before player draft

3) each owner to take part in a 35 player serpentine player draft. The 35 players so drafted constitute that owner's "Franchise". The Franchise roster is frozen 24 hours before the first games (i.e. 10:00 p.m. EST Sunday).

4) Teams must be comprised of players from each team's Franchise only. Teams may add/drop (at 20% penalty) during the season, but may only add drop players within their Franchise.

5) The second and any subsequent times a player is dropped from a Team roster during any given season, that player is exposed to waivers and may be picked up by any other Franchise without compensation. A player selected on waivers must remain on the roster of the selecting Team until the end of the season and may not be cut from that team's Franchise at the end of the season. Such restrictions do not apply if the player is subsequently traded.

6) Franchises may make uneven (2/3) trades during the season. However, the team gaining the extra player must drop a player to restore his/her Franchise to 35 players prior to the start of the next game. The team giving the extra player may not replace that player until the next season draft.

7) For the following season, each team must retain at least 25 players from their franchise. Each Franchise may cut up to 10 player (so long as such cut does not reduce the Franchise to less than 25).

8) The Owners will then have a non-serpentine draft (worst to first) of as many rounds (up to 10) as may be necessary to fill the Franchise Rosters back to 35. Teams that are short handed as a result of waivers or unequal trades will have their replacement draft included as the 10th pick in the above. E.g. Due to a waivers claim the Yankees have only 34 players on their Franchise roster: a) The elect to drop 9 reducing their roster to the minimum 25. They draft in all 10 rounds. b) the elect to drop only 8, they will draft in rounds 1 -8 and 10.

This seems to allow for a real keeper league giving a benefit to being able to use up and coming players without them pricing you out when they get good. It allows (hopefully) good teams to stick together while still allowing weak teams to rebuild themselves.


any ideas would be appreaciated.
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Postby kaviksdad » Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:30 am

Sounds like a familiar concept Joe -- there are numerous keeper leagues out there with the same type of make up. But your waiver system is something I haven't seen tried before. In theory, it can work like you want. But it will take some heavy duty league management to keep things in line. Your league commissioner will have his hands full. Here are my suggestions:

1) Change your cap to 200M - salary doesn't need to play a part in your league, so set it to where it definitely won't. Also the 20% drop penalty can eat up your cap too. Make it lower. Unless you want to play with a "salary cap" that could limit your late season moves.
2) Waivers: in order for them to work, the rules have to be very clear, and every manager needs to have the same opportunity to claim a player who is dropped. a) I would first set a duration for waiver claims to be made - say 2 days from the date the player is placed on waivers. Then, b) in the case of multiple claims of a player, the team with the worst record has first crack at the player. I would also c) make an announcement the first time a player is sent down so there is a record of when the waiver requirement becomes valid. You will need to d) have something in place to monitor player movements - perhaps a league board of directors or something. Decisions may have to be made that could make someone mad. A board of directors of say 3 different managers (one from each division) can do this, and their word is law.
3) You probably will have to be more flexible in the amount of time managers have to drop players as a result of uneven trades. Sh*t happens, so give it a day or two, I would think.

Good luck and let us know when you want to get it going. I like these types of leagues and may want to join myself.
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:16 am

A 35 round live draft done on the boards will be worse than pulling teeth and will take months to complete. You could even have an owner or two lose interest and drop out during that time. You will run into situations where some people don't check the draft regularly which makes other people upset. If you decide to skip owners in the draft that don't show up in a given time, what happens when they get skipped 2 or 3 times? If they get skipped too many times you might find it hard to recruit a new owner to take over.

In other words I would never participate in a 35 round live draft done on these boards. I have been a few 20-25 rounders and it takes a lifetime and can get frustrating. The draft only moves as fast as the slowest person. When you start getting 1 or 2 picks per day it could take a long time. 35 rounds of 12 = 420 draft picks. :shock:

Also the more specific and out of the usual your rules are, the more people will not remember them.
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Postby ColFalkland » Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:32 am

If you want to live draft 35 players make the draft a slow draft for the first say 10 players. Then go to a quickdraft allowing 10 minutes per draft and run 10 draft picks per night on a friday night. I understand there is a site called MajorDeegan's site that can help with this. Can some Vet help out here?

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Postby kaviksdad » Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:52 pm

Here is the live draft site -

LM is correct, you do not want to do a 35 round live draft on the boards. You can set up the draft on this site, which will allow you to set proxy picks for those times you cannot be around. It will significantly reduce the time for the draft.

One thing to emphasize - this is a long-term keeper league, correct? Managers joining this league need to be committed players in it for the long haul, and not just some guys who think it might be fun then bail when things turn slow, or turn bad. I would recommend taking your time in finding participants, getting references from other vets when possible. There is nothing worse than having 10 committed players, and a couple of irresponsible/clueless/uncommitted jerks -
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Postby IrishJoe » Sun Mar 18, 2007 8:29 am

Is the concensus that the league would be better with a 10 round live draft then an auto draft for the remaining 25?

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Postby The Turtle » Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:47 pm

i think it would be fine at 35 but it HAS to be done on that site
The Turtle
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Postby kaviksdad » Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:16 pm

It won't be a problem doing a 35 round draft if:

1) your owners are committed to it, and
2) you do it on the website.

I've been part of 40 round live drafts that stretch over a couple of weeks. If everyone is on the same page, then it goes with just the minimum of problems. There will always be some things go wrong, or delays happen, even in a 10 round live draft.
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Postby IrishJoe » Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:34 pm

Can anyone give me instruction on how to set up a league? Not ready just yet but maybe in a few weeks.

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Postby IrishJoe » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:01 pm

Kavik, I thought about setting the cap at $200m but I was afraid that someone who was very successful would create a juggernaught that could not be caught for 5 years which would kill the league. At $100m I with unlimited cost of non-roster franchise players, no team could get SO dominant as to cause the other owners to quit on the league (why throw away $25 when the team really has no chance in the forseeable future) while still allowing him/her to get the benefit of picking good prospects and not forcing them to be dropped and exposed to the other owners.

Similarly the 20% penalty and waiver exposure were designed to cut down on transactions. Giving a benefit to a manager who is prudent in designing a team and prevent the opportunity to restock his roster specifically for a given opponant.

I feel like it also keeps some realism in the game. Personal preference is that I prefer when each team is not an all-star team.

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