Turner Field Championship team. . . Underdogs?

Turner Field Championship team. . . Underdogs?

Postby cacheese » Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:27 am

I was wondering what the opinion was on the matter of my first strat team and my first strat championship. Whenever I asked for advice from the vets on the boards, they all said that the bottom would fall out on my team and I would struggle. My team did have it's ups and downs, but performed like champs in the playoffs, even sweeping the World Series.

The basic premise of my team was strong pitching that produced complete games and rarely relied on closers, and mashing the ball against the left handed studs in the league. I started the year with Pedro as my number 1 but picked up Clemens about midpoint.

Here is my teams production in the post season

And this is my team regular season production

Here is my opponents post-season production

And this is his regular season numbers

He clearly had the regular season MVP in Andruw Jones (65 Home runs and 165 RBI's). But we did an efficient job of shutting him down I guess. I feel that our strategy of building a pitching heavy team that killed left handed aces in a moderate park worked pretty well.

So my REAL questions, if you are still reading this, are;

1) Has anyone else found success with this kind of team and park?
2) Has anyone else NOT had a single player who was ranked in the top ten in HRs, Runs created, OBP, Slugging percentage and total average (Not a single player on my team was on any of these lists)?
3) Would we have been considered underdogs in the World Series?
4) Does this prove that pitching really does win championships?
5) Who do you think would have won the MVP of the World Series?
6) Is Turner even that popular?
7) Does having two very cheap (less than .75 M) players who specialize against R or L pitchers really payoff? Or is this just luck?
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