Wes Helms at $9.8M????

Wes Helms at $9.8M????

Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:01 pm


Okay, what am I missing? Why is Wes Helms almost $9.8M?
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Postby Terry101 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:21 pm

Good for 200 mil leagues. Overpriced, but maybe he is a real good influence in the clubhouse and dugout.
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Postby MICHAELTARBELL » Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:30 pm

Well for one thing, only Pujols (75.4) and Luke Scott (72.5) have more TB's than Helms vs RHP (69.3).
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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Mar 26, 2007 3:53 pm

I'm not sure it can be justified that Helms is a $1M more than Ryan Howard. :? :shock: It must be the defense!! 8)

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Postby davydrums » Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:46 pm

I was going to reply ,but they don't have an emoticon laughing with tears running down it's face.
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Postby The Biomechanical Man » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:13 pm

"Wes Helms at $9.8m???"

This one caught my eye too. To me, the issue is not that TSN gave him this price - as his card is very good - but more that a journeyman utility player can be a dominant player in Strat. Of course there are multiple players like this in every 200x and ATG set - a guy with 200 at bats or 60 IP who had a career year. That's just the nature of the beast. Congratulations to all the Wes Helms fans! :P
The Biomechanical Man
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Postby STEPHENANDERSON 2 » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:16 pm

[quote:c7addecd54="The Biomechanical Man"]"Wes Helms at $9.8m???"

This one caught my eye too. To me, the issue is not that TSN gave him this price - as his card is very good - but more that a journeyman utility player can be a dominant player in Strat. Of course there are multiple players like this in every 200x and ATG set - a guy with 200 at bats or 60 IP who had a career year. That's just the nature of the beast. Congratulations to all the Wes Helms fans! :P[/quote:c7addecd54]

So far on my one team he is below average. Maybe that should read .98 instead of 9.8. :shock:

Oh well..... maybe he forgot he was STUD and has been pacing himself for a couple a hundred AB's. :D
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Postby Jerlins » Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:28 pm

Well, he has to be given a card by SOM, and, unless you're playing in a league with plate appearence limitations, its expected that he is used full time when given this price tag by TSN. Cover up the name on the card, take a look at the card itself, and yes, it's probably close to a $9 card relative to the other cards in the set. He's putting up some good numbers in leagues I've taken a glance at.

I'm not a numbers cruncher, don't use a ratings chart, and surely no statistician, but I'm guessing he's somewhat worth close to the price tagged bestowed upon him. Maybe C2, Marcus Wilby, or some of other great # crunchers of this community can chime in on his actual worth. Man, I miss those $ values put out in the 05 set. It sure saved me countless hours trying to figure all this out.
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Postby MEAT » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:10 pm

just drafted him in a 100m league, so no numbers yet, but in my two 80m, he went undrafted. if alex escobar is getting so much play at over 4m, with pretty much no position, and liklihood of being hurt half the time, I don't see where helms is such a bad investment, especially in a pitcher's park. now how bout the incredibly one sided but awe inspiring jim thome...is HE worth it in an 80m considering he almost has to platoon. (i hope someone says yes, I just picked him and teamed him with tatis)
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Postby Rant » Tue Mar 27, 2007 1:49 pm

In an $80M league Thome better go both ways...100M you can afford to have an $8M platoon. Pair him up with an injury prone player and he becomes a servicable low-in-the-order replacement.

His OBP vs. L is actually better than Howard's, and he doesn't hit into many dps. But his TBs vs. L are :roll: well, not very good.

If you weight the number of righthanders Jimbo most likely will face, his card is probably accurately priced IMO.

And Helms has a fabulous card -- maybe a little overpriced, but he should put up numbers. I'm sure he'll put the same numbers up as the Phils' starting thirdbaseman.
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