What to do?

What to do?

Postby geekor » Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:46 pm

Damn, it's like 2005 all over again. nothing I'm doing is working in 07.

So here is my last credit, what do you think (before waivers)


Missed out on Crawford (Duncan) and Mauer (McCann), as well as 2 of my SP's and the closer I wanted.

Will Duncan hit enough at DH? Ozuna is my 3b (not the best Def but good cheap hitter). Should I grab German for leadoff? If so 3b or DH?

not sure what way to go with this team, but figured I gotta try something different, so tried for a great def team....
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Postby JAYDINGESS1 » Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:22 am


Have a few good pitcher park teams going. Am posting links. Good luck.




Some great ones for a pitcher park. Rolen, C Guillen, N Johnson, Manny, Kotsay, my * starters Webb, Oswalt, Francis, Peavy. and either Nathan, Papel, Putz.
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Postby visick » Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:32 am

Cheap long relievers like Oliver R4 (which you have) and Helling R3, work nice in pitchers parks.

Pablo's D may hurt you here. Can you get Gload?
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Postby geekor » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:52 am


thanks for the links. My problem really has been every team of mine seems to be cursed! For instance, of your links, you have Rolen on all 3, but one is far below the other 2. That seems to be all of my players.... I'll have at least 1/3 of my lineups really reall underperforming, like Hafner hitting .220 in Wrigley.... or Webb in Shea with a 5 era.....

I haven't been paying much attention to def (admittingly didn't have to in 06) and so I am trying ot change that with this team.

Visick, I thought Gload was a huge bargain, but he is hitting .244 for me through 90 game son 1 team, and a whole .258 on another. as I siad, I am just cursed....
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:51 pm

I have been equally perplexed this year so far.

I have 3 Cell teams going with mixed successes.

One team is in 1st with 25-20 record and another dead last with 10-14 record.

Both teams hitting well, but pitching one is good, the other is so bad that I cringe in the morning to see the box scores.

These teams are nearly the same team....can't figure it out myself.



I guess I am getting horrible rolls when pitching because the team that is 10-14 has an era of 8.00 ish and batting .309 (I was 7-14 till a sweep last night)

I guess what I am trying to say is that it is still early and we haven't had time to figure out who and what will give us that edge. We are only half way through the first season so we don't have that much info to work with.

Once these seasons start to finish, we can then start looking into the numbers of the completed teams and see where we are making those critical errors in judgement.

That is my take at least.
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Postby geekor » Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:33 pm


when you have a team start 5-19, let me know, ok! :x :cry:

anyways, back on topic. I've traded Duncan for Reed johnson, so my Of is complete. Just need a DH and to fix my pitching situation.

Has anyone been using Pedro? is he worth keeping?
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Postby cummings2 » Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:27 am

Yo mighty G!

You seem to be doing just fine in the only league I'm with you so far in 07, I am sure the rolls will even out soon and all your teams will be steamrollin'

A few thoughts: With your pitchers' HLD rates and McCann's arm my feeling is that teams could run quite easily on you, I don't see much speed in your division but if you start seeing a trend that way I'd watch it. Having 1s up the middle is always a great start to a team at least for me but with teams stealing 2B a bit more easily it does take away a little of the DP bonus that the 1s give you -not much but little by little problems arise.

I think you are short on speed, SLG, & OBP -to a lesser extent. For 3B I'd grab Theriot, RF I'd go for Matthews or Escobar if you can grab one. For DH I'd try for a Maicer Izturis/Ozuna platoon. SP wise I see a some options there, Hill, Cain or Saunders if you are iffy on Pedro

Basically try to up your OBP (Maicer/Theriot/Matthews/Escobar) and SLG (Mathews/Escobar/Theriot) and some speed. I'd try to keep McCann but keep in mnd the Div's/league's running game.

Good luck!
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Postby geekor » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:25 am

C2, yea that is actually my best team so far, and it's only in the WC lead by 1 game. Overall I've finally crawled to .500 last night....

Well Mauer was my intended C, bt I was going to keep McCann as I don't really have another LH power bat.

I was intending on trying to grab Escobar for RF until I traded for Re Johnson, less injury worries. Interesting on Theroit, I've tempted to use him, but haven't really seen any numbers that justify that salary yet, though at least he has some TB's plus clutch....

what about Mackowiak? though it's almost all walks, had good OB for leadoff vs R?
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Postby visick » Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:07 pm

Mack is a nice pick, but like you said...no BB's.

Davanon has nice #'s, but higher inj. risk.
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