Lost my touch

Lost my touch

Postby Chuckul » Fri Sep 23, 2005 7:35 pm

Hey guys... I've lost my touch in 2005. I've had a rough stretch of teams that really have floundered. Could somebody just take a look at this team? I've got some pretty good position players but I'm worried about the error totals for my players. With Tejeda, Mora and Vlad playing in the field am I going to suffer too much to make up. Also, I have no real Righty killer... my division is made up of a Coors, Wrigley and Ameriquest with my park being Skydome. Very offensive division. Plus my pitching is good but not great and I lack a "true" closer. Anyway, just take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks guys...

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Postby J-Pav » Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:00 pm


With regard to total errors...Castillo's e6 helps bring down Tejada's e25, if you average them out. A 1e15 and a 2e16 is just about what everyone else is gonna have anyway. And I've never seen teams with Vlad or Mora seem particularly worse off because of it.

Your offense has plenty of punch and is well balanced. Why would you think you need a "righty killer"?

Pitching is where you can better your team. Drop Leicester or Eldred, depending on how you read your divisional (and other) opponents. With solid S6 starters, you don't need six relievers. Either Carrara or Mahay should go, you don't need both. Drop $2.50 in relief salary and add it to your starters. Wood, Padilla and Lima should be re-evaluated closely against your divisional (and other) opponents. You should be able to find two $3.00 starters and one $2.00 guy (if you can, a nice reverse to match up against unbalanced line-ups makes a great fifth starter...if he can relieve too, that's an added bonus. Lima would work in a pitchers park division, but not yours...he'll get lit up like a doobie at a Stones concert...early and often).

That's my two cents anyway. Good Luck!
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Postby Chuckul » Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:56 pm

Thanks pav... all very good points... I've been back and forth about my pitching. There are some ok guys out there but I've been HORRIBLE at picking hitters park pitchers. Anyway, I appreciate the input. I'll keep you updated..
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Postby Chuckul » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:03 pm

I just have one point on Wood. He's a strike out pitcher. I've always kinda thought that in a hitters park you've got to limit the chances that a batter has to put the ball in play. That's just a theory... hence Clemens' success in hitters parks. However, he's gonna get roughed up by the BP HR's. Padilla has been clutch for me... I have no idea why! :oops: On other teams he's been "good enough to win." Lima... I totally agree.
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Postby Chuckul » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:14 pm

What about dumping Mahay for Chote and upgrading Lima to Harden? Is that the kind of move I should consider?
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Postby Chuckul » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:18 pm

Oh and one more thing... I can't wait to see what burrell does in left. I've been curious about this guy for a while... He's batting 8th or 9th against both righties and lefties. If he's not hurt hopefully he'll hit a ton of HR's. Pretty much just an experiment.
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Postby J-Pav » Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:49 pm


I tried Wood once, after watching him go like 18-5 for some other manager I played against, but he got lit up in my town like Baghdad on Shock & Awe night. I never recovered. I [i:73b9fb22df]have[/i:73b9fb22df] seen him post decent numbers for other clubs though, but it looks to me like a 50/50 proposition, and I definitely don't have enough faith in HAL to give it another go.

Check those opposing line-ups! Lots of [b:73b9fb22df]R[/b:73b9fb22df]? Then give Woody a go. Same with Padilla. I know he's a pitchers park kinda guy, but I've seen him throw up some ugly numbers for others (I've never used him personally).

I think you can do better than Choate. His card looks pleasing to the eye, but HAL [i:73b9fb22df]loves[/i:73b9fb22df] 5-6-7 rolls (and that 1.58 WHIP comes from somewhere). Harden looks like a good bet at that price.

I don't really want to tell you who to take, I think that does little to enhance your personal SOM experience. If you want to see some of my teams, check out [i:73b9fb22df]The Secret Formula[/i:73b9fb22df] thread on page four now of this forum, with an updated account called [i:73b9fb22df]The Secret Formula Revisited[/i:73b9fb22df] on this page. In the end, I think it comes down to matching up well to get those better than .500 3-4-5 spot pitchers.

Also, I love the Burrell experiment. He didn't do well for me, but he hit a few dingers in a platoon with LuGo (who also sucked on that team, and who also hit a few dingers). You may have better luck! I never cease to be amazed how a low dollar guy can hit .300 on one of my teams, then hit .203, then hit .300 again on a third team and .180 again on a fourth! It takes a lot of lovin' from HAL sometimes, and you just can't forecast that! :wink:
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Postby LMBombers » Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:25 am

In a hitter's park Choate is a good RP choice as are other cheap RPs with no BPHR like Atchison, Hammond, Gryboski and one or two others that I can't think of right now.
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