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Anyone ever just draft players for fun?

Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:06 pm
by the bigmje
I would like to know if anyone just drafts according to players they like just for the fun of it?
Or is it all totally about winning?

Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:16 pm
by ndowdy
I build teams for fun sometimes that I know are going to tank. Though it's much easier to take if you create those teams with credits you've won from building a winner. :)
Of Course

Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:17 pm
by KnightErrant
I built my second team (in the All Time Greats) using nothing but players I like. It just so happens they are also leading their league. My opinion is, why play if you don't like the guys on your team?

Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:20 pm
by durantjerry
I am trying to draft different guys rather than get in the rut of taking the same players even though I have been successful with them.
The thing about drafting for fun, is that the fun of having say Pierre at leadoff runs out quickly when he has a .270 OBP and your team is 12-21. Then it kind of sucks in my experience. In the 80's game, I was trying to break the SB record. I ended up shattering it by like 200+ SB's. In preseason, I cut Grich because he couldn't steal, for Doran who could. I was advised against this on the boards and knew it was the wrong move. Grich ended up top five MVP while Doran stole 30 SB's and hit like .240. I finished about 82-80, but would have had a playoff or championship caliber team with Grich. I would have had more fun had I only broken the SB record by 150 and made the playoffs. I guess the lesson is you should definitely try to have fun, but the best case is when you do something for the fun of it AND win.

Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:26 pm
by LMBombers
I will sometimes experiment with teams like go for an all fielding team, an all speed team, heavy on pitching, heavy on hitting or the like just to see how they do.

Sat Apr 14, 2007 3:05 pm
by goredsox33
ive drafted certain players because i like them , but never done and entire draft like that...
I have done the auto draft a few times....thats kind of cool

Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:14 pm
by Jerlins
I was in a 06 league where one guy in my division built a team comprised of nothing but Latin players. Was a very competitive team and not sure anyone else even noticed what he had done. We bantered back and forth over the course of the season and have since become Strat buds. It was fun watching him post waivers watching the team being built, and found myself guessing which player he would pick up for the 8 or so non Latin players he got as consolations in the draft.

Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:53 pm
by the splinter
I don't draft player that I don't like....never have had Bonds.

Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:08 pm
by Stoney18
I'm like Splinter. There are certain players that I won't play.
As a die hard Phillies Phan JD Drew is non-existant to me.

Sat Apr 14, 2007 9:48 pm
by Free Radicals
I put together ATG teams sometimes for the fun factor . My next ATG team will be to try to break the triples record . Winning is secondary to the record . My other teams , 70's , 2006 and 2007 , only to try and win . :wink:
My won't draft guy is David Wells . I don't like him , never have . Bonds either . Anyone else who can help my team win in ! :wink: