Advice on pitching changes please

Advice on pitching changes please

Postby palacekillers » Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:02 pm

Hey all. Current season strat team playing in Fenway park. The starters are B-Webb, David Bush, Harang, Burnett, and King Felix. Free agent pitchers I like are Maddux, John Maine, Rich Hill, and Cole Hamels. Others available - Carlos Villanueva, Chris Young, Jeremy Sowers, Jose Contreras, Ted Lilly, Chuck James, Mike Maroth, Daniel Cabrera, etc etc. I don't need all of these guys broken down. I'm just wondering what the experts think about who I should drop and who I should pick up to maximize my wins at Fenway.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby durantjerry » Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:09 pm

I like B Webb and Bush. I would focus on getting 4 "*" starters as you are already at least 1/2 way. I would keep Harang over the non-* guys and look for a fourth. There are many relatively cheap guys for Fenway, although I'm sure most or all are gone-Schilling, Peavy, Smoltz, Becket and many more.
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Postby palacekillers » Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:15 pm

Yeah, those guys are all gone. Can you look through the free agents I posted and let me know if any of them are solid Fenway guys? Or even give me some guidance as to why the guys you listed are better than some other guys for that park?
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Postby durantjerry » Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:38 pm

To me, it's strictly a matter of finances. To pick up another decent * SP would cost at most $3-$4mm, while dumping Harang(it is wasteful to have three * guys in a rotation) and picking up three non-* SP's would cost more if you wanted the results to be better IMO. Few of the cheap(< $2mm)non-* guys seem like they are much good. I am using Penny, who I liked, and he's getting hit pretty good and is about .500, which is all you can ecpect from that level SP. So to me, your best option is to go with a four man rotation. This is a case of you may not be able to get what you want, but what you need IMO is a four man rotation unless it is totally picked clean, which it could be. I see in your list Maddux is there and F Hernandez is a * I believe. I would go for Maddux, as he's pretty good. The guys I mentioned are basically RH SP's with low WHIP's who have there HR problems vs leftied hidden in Fenway.
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Postby palacekillers » Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:00 pm

Thanks Jerry.
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Postby The Turtle » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:15 pm

palacekillers I'd be glad to give you VERY specific advice, but i need to see your team.

Go to statistics page, click on your team, copy the URL and post it here...

If you done it right, there should be have a id number at the end. If not it will end with "team"

The Turtle
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Postby palacekillers » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:28 pm

Thanks Turtle. I've seen other posts by you and am looking forward to your advice.
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Postby Ninersphan » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:40 pm

Not turtle, but here's some quick advice after seeing your team.

1. You don't have enough in the bullpen, all your guys are R1's and will be pitching tired

2. You have a lot of money wasted on position players, with Beltran as your CF you have no need for Lofton, Duffy, Figgins and Ameziga. The name of the game is maximing your salry cap. so ditch those guys for an OF that's costs under .80mil and plays all three spots. Beltran will only get a Rest of game injury so there's no need to worry about an injury.

3. Matsui on the other hand, is exactly the oppposite and will spend more time on the DL than in your lineup. His injury roll is on an 8 :shock: . ditch him and either find a 1b and move berkman to LF or find a different LF
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