by Mean Dean » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:39 am
Football is based around the defensive manager setting up his defense and then guessing whether the offense is going to run or pass. The result of the play is determined by where the ball went, where the defense is and whether the defender guessed the run/pass correctly. It's actually really neat. The general consensus is that it is the best SOM game to play face-to-face.
The basketball setup is based around an "action deck" where it tells you the type of shot (inside/outside/penetration) or other type of play that is taking place, and it's randomly determined who has the ball. Players do have "shooter ratings" that ensure that the guys who took more shots in real life also take them in the simulation. Players who are reluctant to shoot like Ben Wallace have a bunch of "replays" on their card where if the ball goes in to them, it's likely to be a "do-over" and so they don't end up taking the shot. (Three replays on one play is a shot clock violation.) The game is very fun, but the board game can be a little unwieldy -- not so much the actual gameplay, but keeping track of everyone's stats and minutes played. I prefer playing it on the computer.
I think hockey basically works like basketball, but I'm not sure.