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Park Info

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:42 am
by RedSoxNut!
Where can I find the info on all ballparks (effects)?

I want to look at the home ballparks for two hitters that I'm trying to choose between, with the thought that I may opt for the hitter whose stats were derived from the less hitting-friendlly park.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:28 pm
by palacekillers
I think you need to find someone selling the "ratings disk". It's been posted in here before. There are some places where it is quite expensive though. If you post the hitters and ballparks the experts will help you for free though.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:53 am
by Mean Dean
The place that usually posts them (Lamanna's Baseball Bulletin) took them down when mistakes in the listings were discovered. Can't someone take a snapshot of the ballpark screen that you see when you create a new team, and upload it somewhere? :? Or if you have the cards, scan the piece of paper that comes with the game... Although he should probably buy the ratings disk anyway, he shouldn't buy it just for [i:559efe549f]that[/i:559efe549f].

In response to the original post, though, I would caution that trying to guesstimate what the cards must look like based on real-life stats is not the best way to go. Don't even think about the real-life stats. Begin and end your analysis with the cards.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:31 pm
Go here:

Select the option to view the available players. When that screen pops up, there is a link to all of the stadium ratings. The ratings disk that referred to is available from stratomatic, and includes stadium ratings and card information.