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My league sucks

Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:03 pm
by Surfer Joe
Nobody answers mail. Nobody is interested in dealing or even negotiating a deal. Wow. Boring people man.

Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:43 am
by teepack
Join the Player's Championship, dude! You'll get some good managers in there.
I am in an autoleague right now. Five days into the season, and four managers have already dropped 27 players. Not once did anybody send an e-mail saying they were contemplating dropping a player or two, would anybody be interested in a trade? They are just losing 20 percent of their value left and right. And I mean they are dropping expensive players, too. Three of the teams are in the same division. All that fourth team needs to do is stand pat, and he'll eventually have an $80 million roster while the other teams in his division are less than $70 million.

Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:14 pm
One thing that you have to keep in mind Surfer Joe is the salary cap. There will be times when it is almost impossible to swing a deal because no one has enough spare cash on hand to make the trade work.

Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:42 pm
by Surfer Joe
Good point UNC. I've just never seen such a quiet league before.
teepack, how do you join the Players Championship? Sounds cool.

Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:09 am
by fredpaii
I say it doesn't matter how expensive the roster is. What matters is how the team is it winning? if not, then I always make changes. And it's worked for me.

Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:12 pm
[quote:0dc20a510d]Nobody answers mail. Nobody is interested in dealing or even negotiating a deal. [/quote:0dc20a510d]
Same in my league man ... same in mine ... like not even a reply back that says no thanks. :(

Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:45 pm
by Surfer Joe
[quote:9dcc749235="Dr. Brian"][quote:9dcc749235]Nobody answers mail. Nobody is interested in dealing or even negotiating a deal. [/quote:9dcc749235]
Same in my league man ... same in mine ... like not even a reply back that says no thanks. :([/quote:9dcc749235]
Yeah, some people are just boring eh? Or just plain not courteous.

Tue May 01, 2007 12:33 am
by The Turtle
sometimes it takes a lot of work to make deals happen and people font put the work in....i haven't done it as much lately but i know in one league I sent out close to 40 offers....I think it resulted in 3 or 4 trades

Tue May 01, 2007 12:47 am
by cummings2
[quote:19099b3b13="Surfer Joe"]Good point UNC. I've just never seen such a quiet league before.
teepack, how do you join the Players Championship? Sounds cool.[/quote:19099b3b13]
SJ, just sign up in the Championship's signup thread: [url=][u:19099b3b13]Signup thread[/u:19099b3b13][/url], email tee with your info, check out the main [url=][u:19099b3b13]CHampionship page [/u:19099b3b13][/url]and just get a spot in one of the leagues forming, Event one is getting going, great fun and very cool competition.
Good luck there.

Tue May 01, 2007 4:47 pm
by blue turtle
I save all my comments for the forums; that way you can make fun of your competition without them knowing about it. :D