Maximize relief ...

Tue May 01, 2007 7:30 pm
by drakmann
Looking to see if there are any suggestions on settings to maximize Heilman and Otsuka more ... I have Heilman as setup and Otsuka as closer both ways ... any thoughts/suggestions?

Wed May 02, 2007 12:46 am
I'd have them both on slow hook given that they are far and away your two best out of the pen. I'd also set bautista to mop up.
As a full time closer HAL will try not to use Otsuka in other than closer situations, so don't expect him to get a ton of innings.
No matter what you do Baez will get a lot of innings, but with slow hook heilman should get more of them.
All the above depending on how HAL feels on any given day. :wink: