SOM Computer V12 Patch - Pitchers Individual hitting cards

SOM Computer V12 Patch - Pitchers Individual hitting cards

Postby CHARLESBELL » Thu May 03, 2007 11:31 am

From the Strat website:

Quote from Glenn Guzzo's article:

"The v12 help file describes how gamers can create their own pitcher-batting cards with the game’s fringe-player module. However, that is unnecessary for most pitchers who batted in 2006, 1971 and 28 other seasons.

They are available free online at Gary's Strat-O-Shack:

They were created by Len Durrant and Gary Simonds, with assistance from Ken Wenger, Ed Williams, Jon Grauer, and Joe Freitas.

These guys and others are part of the Update team – the part of the Strat-O-Matic user community that has provided a bounty of add-ons. They include, among many other things, seasons updated with super-advanced features (error ratings, balks, wild pitches and more) not available at the time of their original SOM release. They include the 19th-Century seasons Strat-O-Matic has made available the past two years. And they include individual pitcher-hitting cards, once just for board gamers. Now, all can use them."
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